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8 months later.

Today, my new album drops, Nectar. It's about love it's about heartbreak and everything else beyond. I write one of the song about B. 777 it's called. I just still can't get over her. Maybe I should, maybe I shouldn't, but god knows how hard I tried to find her.

Ever since that night, I went back to Sunny's a lot, holding on to the hope that I can find her there someday, loudly calling Riley's name, or just drinking her many margaritas. I did tried to ask Riley, but every single time it's always the same answer. Either she's busy, or he just haven't heard from her in a while. Before I released my album to the public, I gave B a copy of it through Riley. In which he passed down the message from her that she loves the album. I grew closer to Riley, he considered me as a regular in the pub now.

"Come on man, give me a little tease." He said after passing B's message to me. "She didn't let me listen to it, she said 'it's for me not you Riley''" She copied her voice, which made me chuckle and I really appreciated her gesture.

"It's gonna come out soon man, I hope you will like it tho." I told Riley.

"Oh of course! I love all your songs, except that one song R.I.P, I'm sorry man just can't get behind it." He said glancing at me as he wipes down his counter.

"Appreciate the feedback man." I do appreciate his honesty, made me feel a little normal that he can tell me the truth.


To celebrate the drop we were unable to have a party, which is fine by me, I love parties, but formal ones just drains me out. So I decided to take a ride to Sunny's.

"GEORGE!" Riley loudly calls my name as I walk in to the pub. "Congratulations on the new album man!"

"Thanks man!" I replied, sitting down in front of Riley, "Do you like it?"

"Oh fuck man I love it, been playing it nonstop." I let out a chuckle, truly feeling grateful that people love the album. "So, what's the poison tonight?"

"The usual." I smiled.

"Whiskey on the rocks, coming up!" He announced, not long after the drink is served.

The drinks keeps pouring in, although I'm enjoying the night, a little part of me wishes that tonight is the night where I finally bumped into her again. I kept looking at the door, just waiting for her to walk in.

Slowly, my hope fades away, It's just any other night I'm guessing. Which is fine, we still can try again can't we? I thought to myself.

"Hey Ri, one more please and I think I'm ready to wrap this up, pass me the bill."

"That's on me tonight." He smiled, giving me a thumbs up. "You're good."

"Man nah, you don't have to." I replied, I tried to push my card towards him, in which he pushed it back to me.

"Oh no please please I insist." He smiled placing his hand on his chest. "Consider it a gift from me to celebrate."

"Thanks Ri, I really appreciate it." He gave me another thumbs up before leaving to clean up his counter.

I slowly took a sip of my drink, taking a cigarette from the box, last one before I leave. Riley came back just before I took the last sip of my drink.

"So wh-" His sentence was cut off.

"RILEY!" A familiar voice called out his name loudly. 

One that i have been waiting for.

"Margaritas please! We are celebrating tonight!"

There it is.

There she is.

"B?" I slowly turn my head, looking straight at the door.

It's her. With the same black dress, the same make up, but this time, It was nice and neat, she doesn't look sad, the opposite even, she looks excited. So this was what she wanted to be that night 8 months ago. Happiness suits her better.

"George?" She stops for a moment in her track when she saw me, then slowly making her way towards the bar, just like that night eight months ago, she sat down two stools to my right.

I didn't know I missed her this much until she is here, just two stools away from me. It's foolish to think that I still think about her, we spent one night together, but she left such a mark in my life that makes it hard for me to forget.

"How have you been?" I asked, I didn't know what to do.

"I- I've been good." She awkwardly replied, flashing a bright smile. One that I have missed. "Congratulations by the way."

"Ah thank you B, you made it happen." I joked, she relaxes on her seat letting out a hearthy chuckle.

"I'm happy to be the muse." She replied bowing down to me. "It's for the community."

"Don't be annoying tonight, that man worked hard." Riley suddenly reappears before her, serving her the margarita she ordered. She stuck her tongue out at him, I laugh at their antics.

"You look...better." I said.

"Oh thank you so much." She smiled, there it is again. "I tried to be."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that." I smiled back at her.

We stayed silent for a while, I didn't want to leave, she's here, at least, I just want to talk to her even for one night. Just to know how she's been. Her presence is enough for me.

"Here, last one, you'll need it." Riley placed another glass of whiskey in front of me and disappears again before I could say anything to him.

I took small sips of my drinks occasionally taking a glance at her who's just happily enjoying her margarita, I can't read her face.

She's just an enigma to me.

"Hey George." She calls me out of the blue.


"Why don't you just sit here." Her smile was welcoming, she pats the stool next to her and I happily oblige, sitting right besides her. Her perfume was the same, I still remember as her scent linger in my apartment for a while, It's hard to forget.

"So, what's the plan tonight?" I asked.

"No plans." She said before taking a long drag from her cigarette. "I just want to dance and feel the breeze on my face, you?"

"No plans." I replied, taking a sip from my glass.

"Do you want to have no plans together?"

"I thought you'd never asked."


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