hoping for chris hemsworth

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Lulee continues to walk to where Rusty should be waiting for her. She arrives at the place but does not see him. "Where in the hell is he?" Suddenly hands go over her eyes, not allowing her to see.

"Guess who?" A familiar voice asks.

"I'm really hoping for Chris Hemsworth," Lulee says. The hands remove themselves and she turns around to see Rusty. "And I'm disappointed."

"As if you'd ever be disappointed to see me," Rusty says as the two walk side by side to a nearby table.

"Not looking like this will I ever be disappointed," Lulee says, turning to face Rusty. She puts her hands up to his collar, pulling it down slightly and tugging at his jacket slightly to bring him closer to her. She looks up into his blue eyes, which are staring right into hers, giving her a sense of belonging and comfort. He places his hands on either side of her waist and looks at her longingly, the way he used to look at money before Lulee entered his life. She became his new, precious meaning to life, something he didn't have until her. And to Lulee, Rusty became her home, a stable, happy home, something Lulee didn't have until him. Which is probably why she's wrapping her arms around his neck and staring into his eyes as if he were her everything, which he is. To anyone passing the two look like a happy couple, but to the two, they are best friends who can't possibly like the other, right? At least that's what Lulee reminds herself every time someone brings up the fact that the two could be a couple. Rusty is her home and she will never have anyone like him in her life ever again and she will do nothing to ruin that fact, especially if she's convinced he only sees her as a friend. However, not being near him as much for four years really took a toll on her. She found herself lost and wanting nothing more than to call him up in the middle of the night just to talk, but that's not what friends do. Sure, they saw each other once a week but that wasn't enough for Lulee, or Rusty. But when Danny got out of jail and got the trio back together, spending everyday with Rusty made Lulee realize something. That she's the happiest when she's around him and she wants to feel that way all the time. The girl gets pulled out of her trance when Rusty starts to move, leaning down towards Lulee's face. She simply watches, not knowing what is happening in his mind. She closes her eyes when he closes his, leaning toward Lulee's face and giving her a soft kiss on her cheek, inches from her lips. That spot erupts into electricity, running throughout her veins all around her body, making her feel warm. Her eyes flutter open to see Rusty standing back up fully and staring at her with a new look in his eyes that Lulee can't exactly put a finger on. He smiles down at her, showing his pearly white teeth and absolutely breathtaking smile. She smiles back at him when he removes a hand from her waist and puts it to his ear and smirks.

"It's time," he says, as Lulee lets go of him and he lets go of her. "You ready?"

"As I'll ever be," Lulee breathes, this is the part of the plan that makes or breaks the success of the heist. "You got this." Rusty takes out the burner phone from his pocket and opens it, calling the other phone Danny dropped into Tess' coat. Lulee connects to Rusty's earpiece so she can hear the other side of the conversation. The two start walking together to the place they will end up dropping the phone.

"Hello?" Tess answers.

"May I have a word with Mr Benedict?" Rusty asks.

"It's for you."

"Who the hell is this?" Benedict asks.

"The man who's robbing you," Rusty says, winking at Lulee as he does, making her shake her head at him. But she had to admit to herself, he looked damn good saying that and a plus, he's a good winker. Rusty and Lulee listen as Benedict hurries to his security office, evident by the wind being heard.

"What the hell is going on in the vault?" Benedict asks someone.

"Uh, nothing, sir," someone answers. "It's all normal."

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