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Elly left the Meditation Gardens and went straight to the training room where she was meeting Obi-Wan that morning. She walked quietly, deep in thought. The past few days had been an odd fever-dream, it felt like. She still felt calm. It lingered and for the first time in years, she felt ready to be a Jedi but it was odd. It all felt odd.

But she tried not to question it. Especially considering that she was breaking into Anakin's room in an hour. It was not something she had expected herself to do. She had never broken into anyone's room, even in her childish youth and yet, she found herself doing that now. It made her wonder if any of this was even real.

"You have seemed dazed all morning, is something wrong?" Obi-Wan's words brought her out of her spiralling thoughts as she finished the last round of circuits. Her baby hairs sticking to her forehead as she took deep intakes of breath. Her face was a little red but nowhere near as bad as it used to be. Her chest rising and falling steadily.

"It's just been a strange few days," Elly responded as she paced the length of the room. Even when they were taking breaks between circuits, she had to keep her heart rate up. Standing still had never satisfied her.

"Are you having doubts?" He asked. Elly shook her head. They both knew what they were referring to. As odd and as childish as it would be, she needed the software driver. The fact that Anakin had even taken it was annoying and cruel. It was important and now, she needed it back. Obi-Wan was more than happy to facilitate the return. Especially if it meant he could spend more time with the blonde in front of him.

"What time is Anakin leaving?" Elly asked. Obi-Wan glanced at the viewport in the room and then gestured back to the equipment. She had used up her rest-time so she was back to the circuits.

"He should leave in twenty minutes. He has to arrive at the landing bay for half past but he will, no doubt, be late," Obi-Wan explained. Elly nodded and began the training again. It was exhausting. Her muscles ached and screamed at her but it was all worth it in the end. Her strength had come back so quickly and easily. She felt good.

Once they were finished with circuits for the day, they both drank a cantina of water before Elly picked up a training lightsaber. She then went to the centre of the room. Her movements were automatic. Her mind somewhere else as she worked on muscle memory alone.

She didn't even notice as Obi-Wan walked over. He grabbed the training lightsaber from her hand and the warmth of his hand snapped her back to reality. Her gaze refocused on his face and he was inches away from her. His blue eyes looking into hers. His hand still lay over the top of hers, urging her to let go of the lightsaber.

It was disguised as something ordinary, normal, allowed but the contact made Elly's heart soar. Butterflies flapped in her stomach and it made her realise just how much she still adored the man in front of her. He was perfect and she had no idea what to do.

EASE MY MIND, obi-wan kenobi ³ ✔Where stories live. Discover now