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Obi-Wan had met Elly outside her room a few hours later and Elly felt much calmer now. She had taken Obi-Wan's advice and taken a long, warm shower and then meditated after she packed up her bag. It helped. She felt so much better about the mission. What she was doing was what she was used to.

Going into hostile enemy territory and collecting data was what she had spent so many undercover missions doing. They had never been so immediately hostile but it was the same principle. She knew what she was doing and if Obi-Wan could make it out of all of these battles alive, she knew that she could as well. She was somewhat better than Obi-Wan.

The ship was giant as they stepped aboard. She had expected something bigger but this was on a scale she wasn't used to. It made her slightly anxious but once Obi-Wan had showed her around and given her a map on her datapad, all those worries flew away with the wind.

The clones in the battalion had yet to appear, Obi-Wan had brought Elly early to try and get her familiar with the area first. He knew that it was all new for her and she had a lot of new people to meet at once. So, getting her comfortable was Obi-Wan's first priority.

But when the Clones began to trickle into the ship, Elly was comfortable and she greeted all of them with a smile. Jegei was the first clone she ever met. He had a kind smile and dyed blue, buzzed hair. It was an unusual hair colour but he seemed kind enough. Then the clone medics began to board and Obi-Wan introduced her.

She knew - with her track record - that they would be giving her plenty of attention in her time with Obi-Wan's battalion. She always had a proclivity for trouble and injuries. Bruises, cuts, stab wounds, blaster wounds, the lot. She had never been all that cautious. It was one of the things that Obi-Wan adored about her.

She was also introduced to Commander Cody. Obi-Wan's second-in-Commander but he really did most of the battle planning. Not because Obi-Wan was incapable but because the clones were bred for and trained for warfare. It was what they did best and it was naive to ignore them (as Obi-Wan had said). He treated the clones with respect and always took their advice.

Eventually, the ship was full and they headed out of Coruscant's atmosphere. It was only when they were firmly in hyperspace that Obi-Wan called everyone together for a briefing. Elly stood beside him as he presented the mission to the clones.

They would make their way to Parton, locate the temple and stake it out for a day or so. Once they had the patterns for the shifts and understood how the base ran, they would make a plan of attack. Obi-Wan reminded them that they did not want a battle and that there would be droids but they had to go in quietly.

He showed them the holocron that they were attempting to retrieve and went through the information about where it was believed to be held. The separatist base on Parton was not sophisticated by any means so Obi-Wan knew that they would be able to get through it quickly.

EASE MY MIND, obi-wan kenobi ³ ✔Where stories live. Discover now