The Badge and The Burden Pt 2

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While Weiss is in her regular attire, readying her Myrtenaster at the growling creature in the cage barely seen at the end of the last episode. Her teammates cheer her on from their seats in the front row.

Rex: You got this, Weiss!

Yang: (raising her fist) Goooo, Weiss!

Blake: (waving a small flag saying "RWBY") Fight well!

Ruby: Yeah, represent Teeeeam RWBY!

Weiss: (lowering her sword and looking over at her "leader") Ruby! I'm trying to focus!

Ruby: (looking sheepish) Oh, um... Sorry...

Port: Allllright! (next to the cage, pulling out Blowhard) Let the match... begin!

The professor swings down and breaks the lock, dropping the cage door and revealing the Boarbatusk inside, which immediately charges at Weiss

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The professor swings down and breaks the lock, dropping the cage door and revealing the Boarbatusk inside, which immediately charges at Weiss.

Luke: Someone tell me what is that!?

Rex: It's a Boarbatusk!

Rin: A Boarba-what!?

Elena: A Boarbatusk is a wild boar Grimm.

Briana: How is Weiss gonna handle that?

She uses Myrtenaster to deflect its attack and roll to the side, readying herself for its next move. The Grimm stands a distance away from its enemy, studying her.

 The Grimm stands a distance away from its enemy, studying her

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Port: Ha-ha! Wasn't expecting that, were you?

Ruby: Hang in there, Weiss!

Weiss is now speeding towards the oncoming Boarbatusk, sticking her blade straight at its skull until they meet and Myrtenaster is trapped in the beast's tusks. Weiss is still hanging on to the hilt, and is tossed around as she struggles to get the rapier back.

 Weiss is still hanging on to the hilt, and is tossed around as she struggles to get the rapier back

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