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A day has passed since the battle at Haven last night. Rex was seen on a bed. He groaned and opened his eyes and he felt like something was weighing him down.

He sees Ruby sleeping on top of him and smiled as he wrap his arm around her to pull her closer. This seems to make her stir as her eyes slowly flutter open and she makes the cutest and most adorable yawn. After she finishes yawning, her attention finally lands on Rex as she smiles.

Rex: Heh. Morning, Rosebud.

Ruby: (slightly blushes) Good morning, Rex...

Rex: Man, how long was I out?

Ruby: For about 2 days.

Rex: 2 days?!

Ruby: Mm-hmm.

Rex: I gotta get up... (he tries to get off the bed, but Ruby grabs his wrist)

Ruby: Staaaaayy...

Rex: Come on, Rubes. I've already spent my time in bed long enough. (getting her to let go)

He opens the door from the room and heads to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Rex: That's right. We're at the twins house. Hope they got a spare toothbrush.

Luckily he found one on the sink as Ruby joined him. After they finished brushing their teeth, Rex left so Ruby could change before also changing himself. They grabbed their weapons and Ruby led him to the living room as Zach, Mia, Qrow, and Oscar can be seen on the couch.

Mia: Morning, son.

Zach: There's the man of the hour!

Qrow: Good to see you alive, kid.

Ozpin: Ahh, Ms. Rose and Mr. Venti, it is so good to see you again.

Rex: Ozpin?

The boy nodded his head.

Rex: So you reincarnated... Oh. I can't wait to tell you about my journey.

Qrow: Don't waste your breath, kid. Your friends already filled us in.

Rex: Right. But check this. (takes out Excalibur)

Zach: Whoa! You built a new sword?

Qrow: Is that Caliburn?

Rex: Yeah, it goes by Excalibur now. That's the new name.

Mia: It's got a nice ring to it.

Ruby: The hilt on the sword has a crown! That's so awesome!

Rex: Thanks! I couldn't have done it without Athena, Shane, and Crim.

Zach: The better question is: Rex, how did you come back to life?

Rex: (points the Core Crystal on his chest) Maybe this will help.

Athena comes into the room with a tray on her hands.

Athena: You guys can thank me. You see, I gave him half of my life force to save his.

Qrow: (looks at Rex's chest) I thought it was an accessory.

Zach: Same here, I thought it was a necklace or something.

Rex: With this thing on me, I can't die.

Mia: Athena, is it? I don't know how I could thank you. Thank you so much for saving my son.

Athena: I'm sure it was no big deal, ma'am.

Ozpin: Now we were just talking about how we're going to make it to Atlas.

RWBY Volume 1-9 OCWhere stories live. Discover now