A young hero, an exalted heiress, a troubled rogue, a party girl, and a knight. These are the five members of RWBY, a team brought together and trained for the sole purpose of combating the rampant evils that plague the fantastic world of Remnant. I...
A woman with long blue hair walks in the streets of Vale when she sees the owner of the Dust shop "From Dust Till Dawn" is hanging a sign declaring its re-opening. As he climbs down from his ladder, he stumbles and falls.
???: Oh, my goodness. Are you all right, sir? (Helps him up)
A mint green hair girl appears next to them.
Mint green hair girl: (giggling) 'Scuse me, sorry.
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Mint green hair girl: I'm not really from around here.
???: Are you lost?
Mint green hair girl: I am. But would you mind pointing me in the direction of this shop?
She produces a piece of paper with writing on it and the shopkeep looks it over.
Shopkeep: Hmm? Mm-hmm.
???: Let me see that. Oh, I know where that is. It's just a few blocks that way. You won't miss it.
Mint green hair: Ok, thanks!
She walks away from the woman and the shop owner as both wave goodbye and passes the gray hair guy at a corner.
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Gray hair guy: I knew you were lost.
Mint green hair girl: Mercury, I will seriously pay you to shut up. (She produces a wallet with Lien and waves it in Mercury's face.)
Mercury: That's not your money.
Emerald: But it can be yours for 5 minutes of silence.
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