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Adelaide had spent the following days in Cambridge with Edmund's family. Her grandmother visited on her seventeenth birthday, hosting a party in the Scrubb's home.

And just two days after the party, Adelaide and Edmund were forced to depart from one another. It was one of the hardest goodbyes she had to experience, knowing that she wouldn't see him until the end of the war.

At the train station, Edmund made another promise to Adelaide.

He held her left hand, and kissed her ring. "Every time you look at this ring, I want you to envision our trip to Narnia. It's my promise to you. A promise to love you, and cherish our times together. It's a promise ring."

Her visit, the one that began with them getting married ended with a hug and a kiss. The train ride to Paris with her grandmother was quiet, but Adelaide couldn't keep her eyes off of Edmund's golden ring sitting on her ring finger.

"That's a lovely ring." Polly said, "Did Edmund give it to you?"

"Yes." Adelaide said, "It's a promise ring."

Her grandmother smiled, "Did you make a trip to Narnia? Is that Aslan?"

Adelaide smiled, "We got married there."

"Edmund's a lovely boy." She said, "He had my blessing from the beginning."


Back in Paris, Adelaide fell back into her studying habits before her exams. She knew they were right around the corner, and she was still awaiting her university letter.

She received four acceptance letters, and one waitlist. She got accepted to her backup schools in the UK. Adelaide was accepted into Yale and Princeton, but was waitlisted in Stanford.

What she was really waiting for was her letter for Harvard. She longed for it, knowing it was the closest to where Edmund would move, and her grandmother was willing to move there.

Her and her friends got into a good habit of studying right after school, walking to a local coffee shop down the street. Devi insisted on going there every time, and Adelaide knew it was because of the cashier who would glance and smile at Devi.

But the worst part about Paris was the boys by the Eiffel tower. They were from the prep school across the way, and got out the same time as Adelaide and her friends.

Regardless of their medium long skirts and black tights, the boys would find a way to objectify them. It wasn't uncommon here, as catcalling was more prominent with teenage boys across the street from them.

Adelaide had told her friends about Edmund, and they saw the photos of him and his family
she had in her dorm. They knew that Edmund had given Adelaide her promise ring.

But their question remained of how did a seventeen year old boy afford a solid gold ring? And why did the ring have a lion on it?

Their questions were unanswered, as Adelaide didn't have an exact explanation. They would call her insane if she said that she went to a magical land through a wardrobe.

While in class, she would find herself paying more attention to the ring than normal as the time went on.

Adelaide longed for Edmund, and for him to just be back and in her arms. She longed for the life she envisioned in America.

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