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"this is my second in command, sergeant major rodolfo parra." alejandro introduced.

"tengo miedo de los fantasmas" rodolfo commented.

i stifled a giggle and hit my lips shut.

"any of you know spanish?" alejandro called back.

"no sir." soap shook his head.

i remained silent, knowing damn well that i did.

"you will." he nodded.


we drove through the town, alejandro commenting and explaining things as we drove past them.

"with the masks, you two guys will fit in here." rodolfo commented to us.

"actually-" soap began.

i punched his leg, shutting him up.

the point of my mask was to keep my identity mostly secret, if people knew i was a woman, they'd treat me different.

it was for my own safety.

we pulled up.

"they're holding hassan in a white two story, back of town." alejandro called as we set up and got out.

we forced our way into the gated community.

"no civilians, weapons ready." alejandro ordered.

we walked and came across a few cartel members.

soap and alejandro took them out easily.

"i need to find a place to set up camp. is there some kind of bush or forested spot? even just a tall building." i asked, deepening my voice like i usually did.

"no trees down here hombre, i'll take you to a spot, and we'll clear it." alejandro said, grabbing my arm and walking with me, separating from the others.

i heard gunshots behind me along with yelling.

we cleared a building and alejandro helped me up onto the roof.

"will this suffice?" he asked, looking around and locating the team.

"yes sir, thank you." i nodded, putting my gun down and laying on my stomach and setting up.

"follow the trail, watch out for house toppers. radio on." he patted me on the shoulder as he left.

"bye al." i waved, loading a few more bullets into my rifle and twisting the scope on.

i set it on a tripod, putting the butt against my shoulder as i scanned, spotting the team.

"Bravo 0-7 to hawk, how copy?" my radio crackled.

"solid copy L.t, waiting for orders." i replied.

"roger, clear the path if you can."

love, simon. (simon 'ghost' riley x oc (read caption!))Where stories live. Discover now