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so uh...

threesome warning ig

this chapter is pretty much all smut so enjoy that my hoes <3

it's also the longest chapter in this book xox

we headed into my simon's room, deciding it was the biggest.

simon and i were standing, soap was sitting on his bed leaning against the wall.

"so how uh- how do we start this?" were the first words to exit my mouth.

"nice and slow." simon practically growled, picking me up and dropping me onto his bed, my head in soap's lap.

he smiled down at me, toying with my hair as simon raised my knees, crawling between my legs.

he stopped when his shoulders were in line with my bent knees, reaching up and untying the drawstring of my pajama pants.

"you really thought you could get away without underwear?" he taunted, pulling my pants towards him.

a smile pasted itself onto my face as i picked up my behind, assisting simon in removing my pants.

"of course not, i'm wearing loose ass pajama pants." i smiled as soap adjusted his posture.

i was suddenly aware of the other man in the room.

i began to curl up on myself, trying to shield my body from his view.

"tsk tsk tsk." simon shook his head.

he grabbed my knees harshly and ripped them apart, pinning my legs down and open.

"simon-" i began.

"shhh. you're gonna sit still like a good fucktoy while johnny and i touch you, ok?" he leant down, burying his face inbetween my thighs.

i whined softly as his face vibrated against my cunt every time he spoke.

"god you were right, she makes such pretty noises." soap smirked, snaking one hand around my throat whilst the other stayed in my hair.

he stroked my throat gently with his thumb and fingers on opposite sides of my trachea.

i lifted my head up to look back at him, being met with his gaze beaming down at mine.

"such a pretty girl." he smiled, lifting my head towards his and kissing my forehead gently.

his hand continued to stroke my throat, pressure being uneven.

simon wrapped his arms around my thighs, his hands placing themselves on my hip bones to hold me still.

"you alright up there lovely?" he asked, rubbing my skin with his thumb.

"m-mhm, please. i need you so bad." i whined, trying to look down at him whilst soap held my gaze at himself.

i couldn't see simon, but i could feel him as his face buried itself between the folds of skin, his warm tongue making its way up my cunt.

love, simon. (simon 'ghost' riley x oc (read caption!))Where stories live. Discover now