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there was a truck waiting for us, the men inside.

i got into the backseat, dripping wet and waterboarding myself with my mask.

i ripped it up over my nose and spat the river water onto the ground from my mouth.

"sergeant." alejandro greeted.

i nodded.

"let's wrap this fucker graves, mclaughlin is with us." soap spoke into his radio.

i was sitting in the back with ghost.

"i'm sorry-" he began.

"don't you even dare. don't say a feckin word ye wee gobshite." i warned, accent thick as ever.

he shut up and looked out the window.

guns and literal war crimes don't scare him but a 5'4 angry irish woman does?

"so, you're irish soap tells me?" alejandro asked.

"yes sir." i nodded, trying to keep my voice dropped.

"i've never met an irish man with such a high voice." he joked.

"i'm secretly a leprechaun." i joked, looking out the window as we drove.

"Ghost, shadow 1. orbiting the compound now, waiting for visual." graves crackled over ghost's wet radio.

"Shadow 1, bravo 0-7. we'll mark our location with IR laser." ghost nodded we pulled up.

"clear the buildings, i'll get up high." i stormed off, climbing a tree to get to a good point.

i cleared some of their path, reloading.

they marked with the laser and graves came in,

they shot frown many of hassan's men and breached a building.

i flipped my radio back on.

"gotcha." i heard from behind me.

i whipped around and saw a man holding an AR to my face.

i pressed the talk button on my radio.

"talk and you're dead man, you're coming with me." he said, grabbing my hand off my radio and pulling me up, dragging me behind him.

"hawk how copy?" my radio crackled.

"Hawk, Bravo 0-7 how copy?"

"hawk now isn't the time to be a petty bitch, how copy."

"hawk confirm status." soap asked over the radio.

"hawk come in, confirm status." he repeated.

"she's in trouble, graves get visual on hawk." soap ordered.

"you're hawk, i take it?" he smirked, dragging me into a building.

"her rifle's on the roof, no sign of her. left everything behind."

"hawk confirm status." my radio crackled again.

the guy took my radio and turned it off, throwing it to the side.

i still had my knife and handgun, as long as i didn't make it too obvious.

"boss, i got one. enemy sniper, female." he spoke into his own radio, throwing me to the floor.

he turned around to close the door.

i pulled my handgun, shooting him 3 times in the face.

he fell to the ground and i got up, grabbing my radio and turning it back on.

"shoot down the building." it crackled.

"NEGATIVE I AM INSIDE." i yelled, running out and back upstairs.

"sergeant what in the name of god were you doing? you left your post and didn't respond to calls." graves growled.

"enemy found me and moved me, i had no choice. he's out now." i said, getting to the roof and grabbing my stuff.

"you need to be more vigilant if you're planning to take on new roles." graves warned.

"i wasn't planning on being a sniper today, price's orders from shepherd. he snuck up on me, i'm sorry for nearly getting killed." i called, jumping down and running so they could take down the building.

"that is no way to talk to your superior." graves spat.

"i'm explaining what happened, if you don't like me that's a you problem." i called, catching up with everyone.

"jackpot, i say again, jackpot. target is secure." ghost smiled as i walked in.

hassan was sitting there with his hands above his head.

"well done boys." i smirked.


"you speak farsi?" hassan asked graves.


"arabic?" he asked.

"no." graves answered again.

"i can, but not much." i looked up.

graves shushed me.

"سأتحدث الإنجليزية إذا اضطررت لذلك ، لكنها لغة قذرة."
(I'll speak English if I have to, but it's dirty language.)

"أكثر أمانا في التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية من العربية"
(safer to speak english than arabic.)

"fine, i'll speak your bastardized language." he glared.

and so the interrogation pursued.

(very short chapter i know but next one should be very long :)

love, simon. (simon 'ghost' riley x oc (read caption!))Where stories live. Discover now