Lonlinesses Presentation

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As of June 1, 2020 This story is being edited with some changes being made.



I also shifted and charged at him. He doged me. I lunged again and he doged me again. This happened over and over again. Finally I stopped and looked around. They were all doging my wolves. I saw the other wolf look around with satisfaction. I took my chance and lunged at him. He was caught off guard and I tackled him to the ground. 

I snarled viciously at his neck and took the slow way to killing him. I bite multiple times at his neck, never making him truly bleed. When I was about to take the final bite, to end his pathetic merciless life, I was stopped.

"What in the hell do you think you are doing?" I heard a familiar, angry, voice yell at me.

I turned and had a simple, one worded response. "Delia."

 Delia's P.O.V 

I stepped out of the shadows, once again a wolf. After Omar figured out who I was, I shifted out of anger. Now as I stalked towards him growling I couldn't help but want to jump with joy. He had finally found me.

I was still angry though. Everyone thought he was angry, but boy was I angry. He cowered backwards as I came closer. He realized I was not pleased to see him. He instantly bowed down, not wanting another beating. *snicker* All of the pack wolves followed to suit. Much to their surprise so did the rouges.

Once I had gotten close enough I scratched at his snout, making sure he knew I was still alpha. Of course he turned belly up and gave his neck. I bent down to make it look like I was biting him, but licked him instead. Only he knew though, the others thought I was nipping his neck.

Then I motioned for him to follow me. Of course he did, why wouldn't he. Then I nodded towards the rouge leader that Omar was fighting. He also followed me. The others just stood around awkwardly on guard, in wolf form. A few from each 'group' followed us as well.

I led them back into the woods a little ways, to a cave. Not a small cave, a large underground cave. I took them quite a ways back. I had explored it all in my time gone. Then I placed my 'den' as far back as I could go, without running into another entrance. I didn't take them that far back, the kids were clueless of what was going on. I took them close enough that I was alert the whole time.

When we reached the spot I told them to stop then turned a corner a short ways away and shifted, putting on cloths. When I came back most of them had shifted, but a few were still wolves. I saw James and Kelly standing behind Omar. I looked at Omar sad eyes.

They hadn't noticed me, so I took my time in taking in every piece of him. He had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. He had a five o clock shadow. His jaw was hard set, from anger. I realized he was staring at the rouges. I smiled. They were both glaring at each other.

I took a couple of more steps, rather loudly, so they noticed my presence. They all looked towards me. The rouges lowered the heads then turned and stared at the pack again. James smiled widened and his mouth dropped, not believe it was really me. Kelly started to cry but composed herself and whipped at unshed tears. Omar looked me over, looking for anything bad on me. His eyes lingered on my stomach, making me confused.

When I put my hands on my hips he recomposed himself and started walking towards me. I raised my hand stopping him. He stayed where he was with a confused look on his face. I immediately got to business.

"What are you doing here?" It came out rather harsh and they flinched. I realized quickly and softened my voice. "How did you find me?" I finally asked.

Alpha's Twist (Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now