A Shock of Fate

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As of June 1, 2020 This story is being edited with some changes being made.


Delia's P.O.V.

It didnt take her long to react and to attack me. It also didnt take long for the rest of the wolves to pull us apart. There were thee very large wolves standing in between us and I was ready to take them all. I felt the familiar nip from my mother and turned towards her. She growled lightly at me and motioned for my to go.

I debated it for a second but decided not to cause more trouble. I walked out side and started pacing still in wolf. Finally a wolf came out with my mother. Laid down submissively feeling the power of an alpha radiate off of him.

He tossed me a bundle of cloths and motioned of the trees. I grabbed them in my mouth and trotted over, still angry about Maddie. After I changed into some obvously to large mens cloths I walked over to see them both already shifted and changed.

"I am sorry Alpha, please dont make us lea-" I started but he cut me off. His face didnt show any emotion but could sense that he wasnt angry. Suddenly he burst out into laughter. My mother laughed with him. I just frowned not sure how to take this.

"My dear, I am not upset, more amused." he told me when he managed t calm himself. Suddenly he got serious. "I talked to my mate, my beta, AND my third in command." He started making emphases on the 'and'. "We are stuck on something and we were wonder if you could help us?"

Puzzled I tilted my head. "What do you mean, Alpha?" I asked nto trying to seem like I was questioning him. I hated calling him 'Alpha' but my mother told me long ago I had to. "I dont know what I could do to help with alpha business." I told him.

He chuckled slightly again. Still confused I waited for him to go on. His face got even more seriouse. "What would you think if there was a perfect alpha for a pack," He seemed hesitant to go on and looked at my mother pleading. She averted her eyes and lightly shook her head no. "But this was not a male but a female?" He finally blurted out.

I was shocked but I knew I couldn't wait to long. I also couldnt get too angry with him. "Well I say let her be alpha. Screw what anyone else says. She can be an alpha if she wants. Even if she dosnt have her mate yet. Any man can be alpha I think any WOman can be alpha too." I blurted all to quickly. "You know a female is just a man with more class." I said outraged that they would even question the thought of her being alpha.

He just laughed and didnt react as my old alpha would have. Yelling at me for showing to much Independence from the pack. He just nodded then got up and hugged me. "Welcome to the pack my dear." He said as he started walking away. He stopped in the doorway and didnt even turn but I could see him smiling. 'I will need you to move into the pack territory, pack rules.' I heard his voice in my head. I was shocked but happy to see I was in the pack.

I walked over to mom and it finally hit me. "Why would he ask me? Why do we have to move on pack territory, there are other families off the territory?" I asked and she just smiled at me but didnt answer. "Come on mom tell me!" I whined jokingly.

"I dont know. Why didnt you ask him?" She told me but I knew she was lying. She had that worried/stressed look on her face. I didnt ask any more though. We just went home. We had to pack everything up tomorrow.

I skipped school the next day. Alpha's say so. They were worried I would freak out in school and turn wolf. So me and mom stayed home and packed everything up AGAIN. We were finished by noon. We didnt have much. We were used to travelling. So when we packed it wasn't all that much. We also were always ready to leave so that decreased the time by so much more.

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