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I had arrived in Volterra Italy having decided to call this place home. I was done roaming the world. I had done it for many centuries and I was ready to just have a permeate home.

After I spent all day searching for a simple place to live I decided to go wounder about the little town to see what all it has.

With it being cloudy not many people wanted to be in with a possible chance of rain or snow. so I was practically alone on the streets or so I thought till I seen two people that I swore I seen before. 

As they gradually came closer I had realized just where I'd seen them before.

"Jane, Alec my darlings" I say before I rush up to them and wrap my arms around them catching both of guard.

"Kam" Alec says a bit surprised

"yea" I say before I kissed his cheek then Jane's

"oh we've missed you" she says

"I've missed you both as well" I say 

they both hug me tightly and I hug them just as tight before letting them go and took a step back to take them in.

"woah. look at you both" I say

"we are guards for the kings of Volturi" Jane says

"I'm proud of you both" I say

they both was rather pleased to hear those words.

"come lets us introduce you to them" Alec says before he and Jane take my hands and walk back in the direction from which they came.

We talked and talked about everything that had happened to us as we headed in the direction of a sand color castle-type building.

"this is where you all live?" I asked taking it in.

"yes" Alec says

"nice" I say 

"it has its moments" Jane says

"if anyone is bother you too tell  me and I'll personally beat their asses" I say

"we just have some guards that don't treat us with very much respect despite us being the highest rank" Alec says

"they do that in front of me and I'll throw down" I say

they both smiled before that quickly vanished once we walked into the castle.

when we stepped onto the elevator I refrained from rolling my eyes as the typical elevator music.

"who picked this boring crap?" I asked

"one of the recptionist we had" Jane says

"its not lasting long if I live here. I'll take her job if I have to in order to change this crap" I say

"we'll have to see and its possibly you'll become a guard with us" Alec says

"for now its the waiting game huh?" I asked

"yea" they replied

we walked along a corridor till we reached a mahogany door.

"we arent intruptuing them are we?" I asked

"no" Jane says

Alec knocked before he opened the door having heard a come in.

"Masters my sister and I would like to introduce you to someone rather important to us" Alec says

all three looked up from their books and stared right at me.

"Hello" the middle shoulder length guy says

"hi" I replied

"I'm Aro" he says

Kamaria" I say

"lovely name. means moon right?" he asked

"I believe so yes" I replied

He smiled

"I'm Caius" the blonde says

"hello" I greeted

"and I am marcus" the slight sad guy said

"Hi sirs" I greeted

"none of that mio caro amico" aro says

"finally" I commented

the other two smiled  at that.

"how is it that you know Alec and Jane?" Caius asked

"we all three lived in the same village and I took care of them as if they was my children despite at the time our age differents was roughly three years I believe. I didn't care they needed someone to treat them as they should and not as if they was witches and anything else the towns folk could muster up" I replied

"how is it when I saved them I didn't see you?" Aro asked

"as their dismay was approaching they screamed for me to leave so I did" I answered

"how was you turned?" Marcus asked

"a nomad was drifting though the little ghost town I was in and changed me. I had killed them with my ability since I didn't have control of it" I tell him

"and what is that?" Aro asked

"fire" I say

"what a remarkable gift" he says

"its got its days" I replied

"Where do you live now?" Caius asked

"I moved here just today and I've been searching for a place to live. I've grown awfully tired of roaming the world as I have done so for centuries" I say

"stay here. with us and the twins. after all you're like a mother to them and you are our mates" Aro says

"Are you three married or in a type of relationship?" I asked

"we are but not for long" Marcus says

"I'll live here and be with the twins. but nothing between you three and I will be anything cause I will not ruin or destroy a marriage despite you three being my mates. I'm not that type of person" I say

"it's understandable" Marcus says

I will do things with you three once I know for a fact you ar no longer seeing who ever you are with." I say

they nodded their heads in understanding.

"now if you will excuse me I have some guards to go and put in their place and probably more for how they treated my darlings" I say

they all three smiled before nodding their heads.

Jane, Alec, and I walked out the room and headed off.


mio caro amico -my darling mate

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