Chapter V

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Weeks passed before Kim was discharged from the hospital. Since awakening, she hadn't spoken a word, not even to her father. While Bruce was concerned for his daughter's state of mind, he refused to push any response out of her. He knew every detail of the trauma she'd been through. As he pulled into Wayne Manor's garage, he peered into the rear view mirror suspiciously. He found Kim laying across the seat, her eyes closed and her knees pulled into her chest. "Kim." He called quietly.

"Hm...?" She opened her eyes slowly and looked into his through the mirror.

"We're home." He opened his door and closed it behind him. As he reached into the back seat for her, she wrapped her arms around his neck. He placed his arm under the crook of her knee, and the other at the top of her back. He gently lifted her into him, shut the car door, and entered the Manor. He trekked down the long hallways, his silent child still holding onto him for dear life. He finally reached her bedroom and set her down on her bed. She held out her hands as he handed her the TV remote, and her video game controller. "Alfred's here. Call him if you need anything." Kim nodded in response, and Bruce stood back. "I'm going out tonight. Do you want me here?" She shook her head slowly. Bruce sighed quietly and leaned over. He planted a gentle kiss on his daughter's forehead and retreated from the room. "Goodnight, sweetheart."

Kim sat up and placed her remote and controller to the side. She scooted herself out of bed and staggered toward her bathroom. As she undressed herself from her hospital gown, she stared at the two gunshot wounds, now permanently embedded in her delicate skin. They were bandaged in thick, waterproof plastic, however, they were crystal clear. The large scars on her body suggested the doctors had a difficult time removing the bullets. By the looks of her face, neck, and arms, she'd been beaten more severely than she remembered. On top of it all, she'd lost an incredible amount of weight, and still lacked any sort of appetite.

The shower was miserable, but necessary. Each droplet of hot water caused a rush of pain to flow up and down her body. She couldn't help but weep in silence as she washed herself.

After she'd changed into comfortable clothing and performed minimal hair and skin care, she slipped back into bed.

She didn't sleep, however, for each time she closed her eyes, she saw the Joker, and his strange accomplice. After a short while of restlessness, she switched on her TV.

It's been three weeks since Kimberly Wayne was shot and brutally tortured just outside Wayne Tower. Finally, we've received word that she has been discharged after spending these weeks here at Gotham General in critical condition. Many feared for the young Wayne heiress, so much so that she received countless gifts while in treatment.

As for the perpetrators, GCPD has identified the suspects to be none other than the Joker, and Gotham's newest threat, 'The Red Hood'. Why the Joker targeted Miss Wayne specifically is still unknown —

Kim swiftly changed the input in her TV to her video game console, hoping to take her mind off of the horror she'd endured with her newest obsession, Animal Crossing, when her door swung open. "You doing okay, Kim?" Bruce appeared in the doorway, dressed in a T-shirt and sweatpants. It became clear to her that time had flown by quicker than she thought. As her game loaded up, she found it to be nearly 5:00 in the morning. Kim nodded slowly and returned her attention to the TV. "You know..." Bruce stepped inside and sat along her bed. "You should get some rest." Kim avoided his eyes, opting to look toward her windows. "You're exhausted." As she watched the rain fall onto the courtyard, she found her eyes were beginning to mimic the sky. Bruce sensed her incoming tears, and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't cry," he whispered. She closed her eyes and covered her mouth. She attempted to stifle her sobs with her hand, but was unsuccessful. Bruce pulled her in for an embrace. She accepted his comfort and wrapped her arms around his torso. Her loyal dog soon rushed to her and sat behind Bruce. He licked her hands relentlessly in an attempt at keeping her tears at bay. Bruce closed his eyes as he listened to her sob into his chest. "Don't cry, Kim..." Kim couldn't contain herself, however. She inhaled deeply and began to sob uncontrollably. She gripped her father's shirt tightly while she wept. Bruce swallowed the frog in his throat as he rubbed her back gently. "You're alright." He whispered. He watched as she pulled herself away from him and tucked herself underneath the comforter. He went to stand up, a sigh escaping his lips. "I'll leave you be." He slowly walked toward the doorway, a world of concern growing in his heart.

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