Chapter XXX

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Kim stared blankly into the TV as it played some of her favorite cartoons. Without her father around, there was no one to pester her about her medications, her chores, or even her class work. In spite of her new found freedom, there was a gaping hole in her heart that no one could seem to fill. She was empty. Lost. Forced to spend the rest of her immortal life without her father. She knew from the moment she learned of her eternal life, that she would outlive those she loved.

Still... She hadn't expected it to become reality so soon.

The long, classical piano played throughout Wayne Manor, indicating there was a visitor at the door. With Alfred away grocery shopping, Damien off investigating Bruce's disappearance, and Dick in the gym across the home, she was the only one available to answer it. She clicked the remote twice to open the security footage to find a familiar, yet unwelcome face in the front door's camera. "What...?" She stood up and covered her scars with a sweatshirt before making the long trip to the foyer to answer the door. As it swung open, she locked eyes with Artemis.

The two girls looked at each other with such hatred, until Artemis lowered her head and placed a hand on her hip. "Hey." She greeted softly.

"What are you doing here?" Kim crossed her arms.

"I came to apologize. For everything." Artemis sighed. "I was out of line, and not just then, but the entire time."

"Dick sent you, didn't he?" Kim rested her weight onto one hip. "I'm not interested in your half ass apology."

"Just listen!" Artemis took a deep breath before speaking once more. "They were all right. You were right. I don't know you, not well enough to cast judgement. And I'm... sorry. I didn't realize what you've... What you've been through."

"Everyone tried to tell you. They told you not to push. But you crossed the line, Artemis." Kim shook her head. "It's late, and I have a lengthy night routine so..." Kim began to close the door.

"About that—" Artemis pushed the door back open slowly. "My mom kicked me out, and... I have nowhere to go. Unless I leave Gotham at this hour."

"Good thing you can take care of yourself," Kim smirked.

"She'd be happy to have you for the night!" Dick appeared from behind Kim, drawing an exasperated sigh from the girl.

Kim rolled her eyes and stepped away from the doorway. She didn't understand why her brother was doing this to her. She began to wonder if Artemis's mother booting her from the house was just an intricate story. Artemis did seem hesitant to tell her about it, and the aura radiating from the blonde archer suggested she wasn't being entirely truthful. "Guess you can follow me to my room." She stomped off toward the upper floors, where her bedroom rested. As Artemis followed behind her, Kim could practically taste her awe and wonder.

"This place is massive, even on the inside." Artemis looked around at each and every painting lining the walls, some of previous Wayne family members, and others of her intricate figure skating routines.

"I grew up here, so I never really knew otherwise. But yeah, it's pretty big." Kim sighed and opened her bedroom door slowly, finding the large IV bag Alfred had left for her, filled with yellow fluid, and a few large syringes, labeled and ready to be administered. "Have a seat." Kim ordered, gesturing toward the loveseat in the corner of the room. "It'll take me a while to get through all this, so feel free to watch some TV." A remote levitated from the nightstand all the way to Artemis's hands, leaving the ordinary human in awe. Kim could sense Artemis and her dismay at the fact that this attempt at reconciliation was being ignored, but she didn't care enough to speak to her. Kim began swiftly injecting each medication through her central line, taking care to flush it through. She hung the bag at the side of her bed before connecting herself to the constant stream of nutrients.

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