Chapter XXIX

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Kimberly approached the large building behind the rest of the team. After a few days of splitting up and investigating Gotham, each team turned up with nothing on the location of Batman, until they received an anonymous tip. She looked up at where their investigation had taken them, finding the structure burned down. Thousands of spirits whispered in her ears, a hallmark of her power. She turned her head behind her and shushed them sharply. The group turned their heads back in her direction, confused. She shrugged softly. "Lots of people have died near these docks..." She looked back toward the ocean behind them. "I don't like places like this. The spirits talk... A lot."

"You can see them, too?" Damian crossed his arms curiously.

"Yep. There's about 100 that have shown themselves to me." She eyed each and every one of their shadowed, blank faces. "They're standing all around us."

"Any chance you can find out what happened here?" Nightwing turned his head toward the building once more.

"I don't think any of them know. But..." She grasped the side of her head softly. "They're talking a lot. About their own deaths."

"Let's head in." Kori sighed reluctantly. "Maybe we'll find something useful."

Upon entering, the crew walked across a large catwalk that had been split down the middle. Nightwing immediately expressed his concerns of an explosion, this area having been the source. As Kim nervously brushed the soot off the railing, Zeus piqued her attention and looked toward a lone spirit. Kim followed her dog's gaze to find a Batarang wedged into the doorway on the other side. "Oh no..." She flew above her friends and landed on the other side of the catwalk. She rushed toward the weapon and pulled it from the wall. She gasped at the sight and turned toward the team, holding up the Batarang. "He was here!" Panic quickly set in. Had he been here during the explosion? Or did he manage to escape? She assumed had he been injured or killed, she'd find remains of her father, just as Jason had been left following his "death", however, there were no signs of Bruce's corpse. Still, had he been in battle, it was possible his opponent had stolen his body, dead, or alive. Regardless, they were back to square one.

"Do you think he did this?" Connor asked softly, flying to Kim's side. "I mean, it wouldn't be the first time he got caught up in something like this."

"But it was the last." A voice echoed from the hallway beyond Kim and Connor. A man with a red mask appeared, a white streak of hair draping over his forehead. He wore a brown, leather jacket over a suit similar to Nightwing's, down to the logo, which had been colored red. Kim reeled back into Connor, terrified of the familiar face.

"Jason...?" Connor grasped Kim's arms gently and pulled her into him. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Jason removed his mask. "Kimmy..."

"Who's that? Twilight and Superboy are shaking." Artemis whispered in Nightwing's direction, but he didn't respond. His fists remained firmly clenched at his sides in worry for his sister. Artemis looked to Damian for answers.

Damian shook his head. "Don't worry about it."

"Everyone stay put." Nightwing ordered quietly. "Do not attack him."

"Our teammates are in danger. They're both scared shitless!" Kid Flash whispered sharply. "We can't just sit here."

"Listen to Nightwing, Kid." Kori shook her head. "Don't do anything. He knows this man."

Kim stepped back, Connor following in her footsteps. As the two stood before their torturer, they remained frozen in fear. "Go away..." She whispered. "Please, go away."

Jason held out his hand. "Come with me. I need to show you—"

"She's not going anywhere with you!" Connor snarled. "Don't you dare touch her, Jason." He stood up straight.

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