Chapter IX

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"There!" Dick pointed toward an airship as he stood atop Superman's back. "Do you see her?!"

Superman focused his vision on the inside of the airship. He spotted Kimberly incapacitated and tied up. "She's on the floor of the airship. There's 19 men in there armed with Kryptonite."

"You can't pursue them, Clark!" He stumbled as Superman dove down toward Wayne Manor, spotting the ambulance driving up toward the front entrance.

"I have to get her out of there. They're not gonna take her too." He landed at the front doors and pulled Dick off of him. "Find Bruce, and make sure he gets to the hospital!" The earth trembled as Superman launched himself toward the airship at lightning speed, leaving Dick on his own.

Dick rushed up the stairs and toward Kimberly's bedroom. His stomach sank as he spotted Bruce lying in a pool of his own blood. "Bruce!" Dick kneeled down at his side and placed one of Kimberly's T-shirts over his wound. "Bruce, can you hear me?! Bruce!"

"Dick..." Bruce coughed heavily, splattering blood on Dick's white shirt. "Your sister... Please..." He panted. "They took her."

"Bruce, there's an ambulance coming, okay?" Dick frantically looked around the room. "I need you to stay awake, alright?! Don't you dare leave us here! She needs you."

"Please!" Bruce opened his eyes. Dick pursed his lips while he watched tears form in the typically stoic Batman. "My Kim... You can't... let them..."

"Don't talk, Bruce! Focus on staying alive, please!" Dick slapped his face gently as all color left the man's face. "Bruce, don't do this! Bruce!" Tears graced Dick's eyes as he kneeled down over the only father he ever knew. "You can't leave us here! Please!"



Superman stopped 500 feet from the airship, and listened carefully. He focused on Kimberly, and hearing her cries. He grimaced as a pit settled in his stomach. Rather than destroy the ship and kill everyone within, he flew full force toward one of the windows nearest to the girl. He punched a hole through it and reached his arm inside, grasping the ropes behind her back. "Let the girl go!" He demanded, pulling half of his body into the airship.

"Kill him!" Jason ordered. Kimberly shrieked in protest. Acting on his own, Jason pulled out his Kryptonite dagger and stabbed Superman in the chest, leaving the dagger resting within him. Immediately weakened, Superman howled in pain and reached for the knife weakly. "Now you know how your son felt, Clark..." Countless bullets planted themselves in Superman's once invulnerable body. Still, he held tightly onto Kimberly's ropes, intending to protect her in the fall back to the ground. Jason kicked Superman from the window, and both him and Kimberly fell through. The wind blew Kimberly's ponytail every which way, and pierced her eardrums. As she spotted the ground below her, she began to panic. Superman could no longer fly, and the fall would surely kill him, and injure her. She closed her eyes tightly in anticipation.

Jason was quick in grabbing her ankle and pulling her back into the vessel. He tossed her into the ground roughly, drawing a cry from her incapacitated frame. "Sucks for you, sweetheart. Your luck's run out."

Kimberly looked up at Jason with pleading eyes, but received nothing but hatred in return. She closed her eyes as she held her tears back. She was unable to speak, as her captors intended. She had no way of warning Superman of the danger. She knew full well he would not die, however, he wouldn't be able to return to the skies to take her home. She was hopeless. They'd won.

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