The beach episode (2)

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"Great! Just what we needed, a pack of stinky werewolves to ruin our beach episode!" Shion says sarcastically.

" Y-yeah stinky werewolves! Ew.." Solon says awkwardly. Enzy looks over to him.

"This is the best spot on the beach and we want it!" Tahel says.

"You snooze, you lose!! Shion yells, sticking his tongue out.

"Yeah, we got here first." Heli states, his eyes build up with anger as he stands in front of Sooha.

"THEN LET'S FIGHT FOR IT!" Najak yells with his fist up in the air.

"And WHEN we win, this spot will be ours and you guys leave." Khan says angrily. "But Sooha you can stay!" Khan smiles.

Before Sooha could say anything, Shion interrupted. "We aren't going to hand over our property and Sooha to you mutts!" Shion argues. Sooha's jaw dropped.

"That's it! Let's go, right here, right now!" Tahel yells. The werewolves and vampires get into position to fight.

"Wait! Guys let's be mature about this, we can handle this another way." Jino negotiates. "Yes! I agree!" Sooha says nervously.

"So what you're saying is... you are a CHICKEN 🐔! Najak yells, pointing to Jino.

Jino turns around with his head literally on fire 🔥. "That's it! Your on!" Jino says.

"Wait guys! Why don't we do a game of beach volleyball. Winner takes all!" Jakah suggests.

"Alright! Let's do this" The werewolves say.

"Um- I'll keep score!" Sooha says.

The game starts and both teams are playing hard. Go big or go home. Jaan serves the ball with his super strength over the net. Khan bumps the ball and Enzy smacks it over the net. Jakah speeds to the ball and slides under to hit it. Then Noa hits it over the net. They go like this back and forth until when Heli bumps the ball and Tahel just misses it as it falls to the sand. "Alright 1 point for the vampires!" Sooha announces.

"It's okay guys, let's try out best!" Khan says to encourage the other wolfs. This time Solon serves the ball and the start paying again.

Khan smacks the volleyball so fast over the net and Shion misses the ball by an inch and he falls to the ground. "1 point for the werewolves!" Sooha says changing the score.

— 3 hours later —

The teams are still playing and Sooha has 64 and 64 points on her score board but she stopped keeping score a long time ago.

"We will never.. give.. up!!" Shion yells tiredly then passes out. "Us either!!" Tahel yells before collapsing. Heli is breathing heavily as he looks over to see half his brothers passed out  and half of the werewolves' faces in the sand. He sees Sooha half asleep. That's when he realizes what he has to do. "I think we should stop" Heli says. "Yeah, let's call it a tie.." Khan replies as he finally lands on the sand exhausted. Heli goes to wake Sooha up. " Hey Sooha, we're done the game now." Sooha wakes up "Oh! What, how long was I asleep for?" "Not very long Heli replies smiling.

The werewolves decided to swim for a bit to cool off. It's already sunset but Sooha decides to go seashell finding 🐚. Shion sees her walking along the shore picking up shells. He runs up to her. "Hey Sooha! You want some help?" "Oh sure! Sooha thanks him. They keep walking and somehow get really far from the rest of the group. 'Hehe, finally! Now that I've lured her away from the rest, I can spend sometime with her alone!' Shion thought to himself. Sooha and Shion get to a rocky part of the beach, Sooha sees this very pretty pastel rainbow seashell. "Oh! Look at that shell! It's soo pretty! I must get it!" Sooha says determined. She runs and climbs on top of the huge rocks to get the seashell. She is about to grab it when all of a sudden...




To be continued...

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