Chapter 36: Preliminaries End

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Gaara growled as he stood up, and looked at the hot pink Chakra armor around Itsuki. "What is that?" He asked. "The Susanoo, it is the prefect defence of the Uchiha Clan. That, and the final abilty of the Mangekyo Sharingan" Itsuki said, and began walking toward the red head. The Susanoo stayed around him. Gaara growled. "My defence is stonger then yours, so let's see how long yours keep's you safe" He yelled. "Sand Shuriken" He then yelled and sent a hail of Shuriken made of Sand at the Uchiha. They bounced right of, and fell to the ground.

Becoming regular sand once again, and Itsuki lifted his hand in the air. "Lightning Release: Lightning Storm" He said. Suddnely, all of the Genin and other Ninja had to shield themselves from the Lighning Bolts the began to rain down from the ceiling. Gaara gritt his teeth, and surrounded himself in a ball of sand.  The sand was thick, but a Bolt managed to penetrate the dome of sand. Screaming was heard soon after. "My blood, I can see my blood" It was Gaara, and the dome of sand exploded and the boy jumped out and charged Itsuki. The Uchiha smirked.

"Go to sleep" Itsuki said and casted a Genjutsu on Gaara and his beast. Gaara soon dropped to ground, falling into a deep sleep. Itsuki released his Susanoo, and his Sharingan deactivated. "Winner, Ituski Uchiha" Hayate said in awe. Soon, the medics showed up and grabbed Gaara. The boys siblings appreaded. "H-How, how did you do it?" Temari asked him. "A simple Genjutsu, I could have done that from the start. But, there is people here I need show of for. So they know, they won't win when I come for them" Itsuki said. Temari widened her eyes, and then was dragged away by her other brother.

Itsuki sighed, and teleported up to his next to Anko, Tsunade and Shizune. "That was fucking awesome" Anko said. He chuckled, and took a seat. "So, this Susanoo is a ability of the Enternal Mangekyo Sharingan?" Tsunade asked. "No, you can use it with the regular Mangekyo. It causes you to go blind faster though, so I never used it. I just barely began to use it a week before I arrived in Konoha, I have yet to get a look at it's complete form. Maybe in my fight with the old War Hawk, we'll have to see" Ituski repiled to her. The blonde Sannin nodded, and smiled softly.

Izumi Uchiha watched her little sister glare at Itsuki, she sighed. 'I don't see us walking away from this fight in good shape, or even alive for the most part. Itsuki has gotten more powerful then I could have imagined, in such little time to'  She thought. "Your not going to congratulate your student?" Kurenei Yuhi asked her, she hadn't been told that Itsuki and Izumi hadn't seen eye to eye in a while. "We aren't the best of pals right now Kurenei-san, we have not talked regularly in almost four months" Izumi repiled. "Oh, I didn't know that. I'm sorry" Kurenei repiled. "So am I" Izumi muttried.

*Three Hours Later*

Itsuki jolted awake as Anko shook his shoulder. "The Preliminaries are over" She told. He sighed. "I wanted to watch the fights" He mumbled and stood up. No one was there, it was just the two of them. Anko giggled at him. "They were pretty boring compared to your's anyhow" She said. He smirked. "I guess I did set the bar pretty high, but who's all going to the finals?" He asked as they began to walk out of the building. "You, Neji Hyuga, Naruko Namikaze, Satsuki Uchiha, Mito Namikaze, Natsumi Namikaze, Temari Of The Sand, Rock Lee, Shino Aburame and Shikamaru Nara" She told him. Itsuki nodded. "Who am I facing?".
Chuin Exams Final Matches

Neji Hyuga Vs Shino Aburame

Naruko Namikaze Vs Satsuki Uchiha

Natsumi Namikaze Vs Mito Namikaze

Temari Of The Sand Vs Shikamaru Nara

Itsuki Uchiha Vs Rock Lee

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