Chapter 37: Tsume Comes Over

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*The Next Morning*

Itsuki returned from his early morning shower,  and saw Tsume Inuzuka in his living room. "I didn't mean to break into your house, but we need to talk. It's important" She told him. Itsuki nodded at this and sat down. "I heard a rumor about you, a rumor made by Ino Yamanaka. She seems to think you hate Mikoto Uchiha" Tsume began. Itsuki slightly widened his eyes at this, and cursed himself. "I see, I was talking with Anko-chan the other day. I did feel Ino's Chakra close by, I didn't think she heard anything though" He repiled with a sigh.

"Mikoto killed my little girl Hana" Tsume told him. Ituski widened his eyes more at this. "To help Izumi gain her Mangekyo" He said in realization. "I should have guessed this. I thought it was fishy that Hana died on a simple bandit mission, Izumi was with her and I know damn well she wouldn't have let Hana die. This makes alot of since" Itsuki then said. "I don't care what the reason is, I want the bitch dead. Her and her daughter" Tusme said. Itsuki nodded. "You and I have that in commom Tsume-san" He said, and soon began telling her everything he knew about Mikoto.

*Sometime Later*

"So, there is a few people who want her dead other then us?" Tsume asked after he got done explaining. Itsuki nodded. "Yes, Kyiomi-chan and Tsume-chan. Just us four though" Itsuki told her. She him cracked a smirk, and tossed him a scroll. "This is how I found out Mikoto killed my only child, the person who sent me this should suprise you" She told him. Itsuki raised an eyebrow at this. "Only child, what about Kiba?" He asked. "I disowned him after Hana died, he spit on her grave and called her weak. Said that he deserved to be Clan Head instead of her, or me. Because we were woman" Tsume repiled.

Itsuki nodded at this. "It certainly fits his character" He said and open the scroll. He read it, and stopped the scroll with wide eyes. "Danzo sent you this?" He asked in utter suprise. Tsume nodded and smirked. "Yup, I hear you hate him aswell" She said. Ituski nodded at this. "Yes, he killed someome close to me" He said. Tsume nodded. "Shisui-kun right?" She asked softly. He nodded. "Yes" He said. "Well, his youthfulness had ran it's corse. So, you have mine and the Inuzuka Clan's support in killing him" She said. Itsuki smiled at this and nodded, then his door bell rang.

He sighed. "Haku" He muttred and got up to answer the door. He opened it, and saw Haku there with Mei. They smiled at him. "I came to say goodbye, we are heading back to Kiri" Haku said. Itsuki nodded, and smiled at her. "Ok Haku, it's was nice seeing you. I'm sorry we didn't get to hang, I have been quite busy since the Exams started" He said. Mei smirked as she spotted Tsume getting up off his couch. "I see that, the rumor about you must be true" She said. Ituski shrugged, and rubbed the back of his head. "Heh, what can I say? I like what I like" He said, and Mei blushed while he heard Tsume laughing.

*Later That Evening*

"So, what will you do for the month off of training?" Tsume asked him. After Haku and Mei left, Itsuki made lunch for Tsume. Anko showed up with Shizune and Tsunade, so he had to make extra. "I don't know, I might go out of the Village and train" He said. "I can train you, you know a bit of Medical Ninjutsu. I can teach you alot more then a hit" Tsuande said to him. "I'll be cool with that, but I need to work on my Lightning Release. There more I can do with it,  I also want to work on my Taijutsu" Itsuki repiled. Tsunade nodded. "I can help with that aswell, you know I'm not just famous fir my healing expertise"

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