7.I Quit My Job For You

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Teja had never placed any high expectations for anything; not for exams, not for jobs, not for life, and certainly, not for love... She had trained herself to receive no disappointments, to harbor no fear, to stagger at no surprises. She had always settled for less because she never had the courage to seek what her heart wanted; or maybe the more correct way to put it would be that her heart never wanted anything or anyone before. Until now. Her heart wanted Karan, so she sought him.

But the moment she decided to give herself a chance at a different life, a different experience, it all came crashing down upon her. And that's why she never dared to have high expectations, because they always end in disappointments. 

There was no window to look out from at Karan's mansion. She stood silently by the corner, showered with dirty looks from everyone present, except Karan who was unconscious

Every time she looked at him, her fist would clench and unclench, almost wanting to punch herself in the face for causing this mess. She blamed herself for wanting to test Karan, for him stabbing himself and for forcing him to drink her blood.

She crossed her arms over her chest, leaning against the wall, biting her lip nervously, tapping her foot impatiently. Everybody stood as far away from her as possible, like she was a ticking bomb, like she was a lethal weapon, like she was an enemy. Because she was.

"What the fuck is even a vampire slayer ?!" She suddenly blurted, unable to bear the tension anymore.

"You." the woman in red said.

"I don't even know anything about this! If I knew, I would have never given him my blood." She argued.

"You should leave." an old ridiculously beautiful lady with all white hair said. 

"You're not welcome."

"I'm not leaving." She refused, "I caused this, how can I just leave?" 

Teja had no idea what had happened, after Karan hung up the call with Shivangi earlier, he just suddenly fell unconscious. Teja drove him back to her own house then contacted Last number dialed from Karan's phone; and now they were here, and Karan was still unconscious.

"Our master doesn't like to be pitied." the strange looking group said coldly.

"What do you even know?" Teja was furious, stepping forward, Everyone shrank back in fear.

"Are you sure it wasn't you who stabbed him in the first place?" The white hair lady shot her an accusation.

"How can I stab him when he's that fast and strong?" Teja reasoned.

"He's a vampire!"

"You're a vampire slayer." the red lady repeated.

"I told you, I don't know anything about that!" She snapped, "the only people I slayed are in video games." she rolled her eyes. 

"I will not argue with you anymore, I'm not here for you, I'm here for him." She pointed at Karan.

"Stop the act." the lady in red spoke, "we know you-"

"Can you all just shut up?!" Shivangi shouted from Karan's bedside. 

"I believe her." She said referring to Teja.

"You're trusting a half vampire slayer human?" They all said in unison, their faces bearing a wave of shock and disbelief.

"So what if I am?" She shrugged, "The one who helped me uncover this.. is a human."

"I will not listen to this!" the white hair woman said before leaving the room, followed by the woman in red , and others.

"What do you mean?" Teja asked. 

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