12.You Got What You Wanted

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After the whole mess ended and Raj was eradicated, Teja had entrusted Shiv to Nishant for the time being as they got along really well. Shivangi had started to recover back her speed and her strength, the other vampires had started slowly accepting Teja's presence at their residence. Her care and tenderness towards Karan proved their original accusations to be all false, but they still refused to apologize.

As for Karan, he had been sleeping for two weeks, every time he woke up he would still be in pain and Teja would give him her blood to make him sleep again. Until the pain finally started to soothe away and he could finally move and talk.

"Karan... I know how painful it was..." Teja's eyes watered as she continued to stroke Karan's hair.

"Pure blood vampire slayer..."

"I don't mean the poison..."Teja placed her hand over Karan's that was still on his heart, "I meant breaking the bond..."

Karan's heart stung at the sentence. He turned his gaze away from Teja, removing his hand from under her, "You..."

He fixed his broken voice, "You got what you wanted..."


Teja hated the feeling that she had now, it was guilt and regret; she wanted to speak, to explain why she asked him to break it, but nothing came out. Karan sat up and paced further away from her, he placed his hand over his heart again, "I feel..."

He curled his fingers into his clothes, "emptier than I've ever been..."

"How... how did you do it?" Teja asked genuinely, eyes full of worry and concern.

"I didn't know it was possible..." Karan admitted, "I don't know how I did it..." He turned back to look at her, a bitter smile on his face. "I literally broke my own heart."

He laughed at the irony, but it sounded like a cry. Teja was speechless, "Karan..."

She wanted to ask, she had to ask, "is that is why... there was blood on your chest...?"

"You must've felt it too." Karan frowned, "I felt it ten times worse..." He muttered to himself but Teja heard it.

"Karan, I never wanted you to-"

"I caused you so much pain..." Karan continued, voice barely above a whisper, "your body wasn't made to handle such pain."

"Karan, let me-"

"It shouldn't have been like this..." He averted his gaze again, "if you want to leave... I will not make you stay..."

"Karan!" Teja stood up to object, "bond or no bond, I still take you as my soulmate!" She said earnestly, "I don't want to leave, and I will not leave."

"Maybe you should..." Karan spoke against his emotions, "you shouldn't be with someone like me..."

"How can you say that after everything?" Tejasswi shouted, "how can you be selfish?!"

"Selfish?" Karan chuckled in disappointment and disbelief, "Teju... I will not argue with you."

"I'm not leaving!" Teja was angry, at herself. "Karan! You can't just kick me out!"

"I will never do something like that..." Karan furrowed his brows, "I will be in your shadow, I'll always watch you from afar and protect you if you ever face any harm."

"I don't want you to watch from 'afar' !"


Karan suddenly shouted, "What do you want me to do?!" He started crying, "I broke my heart for you! I broke the bond for you! I stabbed myself for you! I went against all the vampires for you! I even burned in the sun for you-"

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