Chapter 4 - Dean and Ginny

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TW: Slight suggestions of being possessed

Elliot's POV

Katianne, Seamus and I walked into the 'Three Broomsticks', settling down at one of the corner tables. After- uhm, well... after Dean and Ginny started dating, Dean started getting more busy, leaving Seamus alone most of the time; so now whenever I hang out with Katia, he tags along with us.

We all ordered butterbeers, starting to talk about the random stuff we usually talk about; though at some point, I saw Katianne stare at one place, a frown painted on her face. I glanced over to where she was looking at, seeing Ginny and Dean sitting together, laughing and whispering to each other.

All of the sudden, a wave of feelings crashed over me. There were so many of them occurring at once that I couldn't even figure out how I was actually feeling. I was definitely sad, really sad. I mean, I still had feelings for him. I liked him a lot, like really liked him; I can't just move on, not that easily.

There was anger in there too. I mean, I have all the rights to be angry. He was the one who approached me, he was the one who asked me out; not the other way around. Yet he was the one who decided to break up with me because he wasn't ready to come out. "It's not you, it's me." I still remember him saying.

He made all of the decisions in the relationship we had, yet he was the one who broke things off because he couldn't take it anymore; and that is so so unfair, because I didn't have a say in any of it.

I definitely felt jealous. I mean, how can I not? He's touching another girl the way he touched me, he's laughing with another girl the way he laughed with me; and thinking of what they do when no one's around- the same things he would do with me- I envied that, envied what she gets and I got.

And then there is hatred, the most ugly feeling. I hate him for not thinking things through before starting to talk to me, I hate him for asking me out knowing that this'll be the outcome, I hate him for being all sweet with me and then doing the exact same things to someone else, I hate him for breaking things off saying that I did nothing wrong; because that means that I could've done nothing to keep him- there was no solution.

But the worst part is that I don't hate him, not one bit- because I love him.

"-I thought he was my best friend, and because some girl comes into his life, he can't make time for me anymore? Such a prick-" I was finally snapped out of my train of thought, hearing Seamus complain about his best friend, not knowing that he was so much more than that to me.

"Let's go." Katia blurted out, cutting Seamus off. "-Why?" The Gryffindor boy quizzed. "It's fine." I murmured to the brunette girl. "Are you sure?" She then asked in a hushed tone, leading to me slightly nodding.

But it wasn't, not one bit. Because I did love him, I didn't know it before- but now I do; and I lost him.

Time skip

Katianne's POV

After we all finished our butterbeers, we decided to leave; though on our way out, we noticed Harry, Hermione and Ron leaving too- so we left with them.

Walking on the path with a surface of what could practically be a fluffy white blanket, while unique little snowflakes escaped the clouds as they fell in our hair and on our cheeks, we heard an ear-deafening scream emerge from the beautiful winter scenery.

Our faces dropped, worry washing over all of us as we saw a girl lying lifelessly on the snowy ground as what seemed to be her friend shouted for help.

The girl on the ground started moving from side to side, as if something invisible was controlling her. We all went closer, our eyes wide with shock as our eyebrows were raised, confusion filling our minds along with the worry.

The girl was then lifted into the cloudy sky, her arms open, her mouth wide while a hiss came out of it; and then she plopped back onto the floor, shaking- but definitely not from the cold weather.

"Don't get any closer. Get back, all of you." It was Hagrid. He walked past us, going to the girl on the floor. "Now, now, now..." He then muttered, picking her up. Looking down, I saw a piece of brown fabric with a black box and necklace sitting on top of it. "Do not touch that, except for the wrappings. Do you understand?" Hagrid then demanded.

Harry and I kneeled down, taking a closer look at the necklace; and even if neither of us were saying it, we all knew that something wrong was happening, something very very wrong.

830 words

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