Chapter 9 - Left Me

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Katianne's POV

I sat on Elliot's chair while he laid on his bed; the both of us talking. All of his roommates were out, hence why we were hanging out in his room. I was telling him about what happened a few nights ago at the Room of Requirement; Draco did request for me to not tell anyone, but I trust El wouldn't reveal this secret.

I also remember Draco asking me about Seamus. No idea how he found out about it, but he did seem pretty mad when I told him about the kiss I shared with Finnigan.

Eventually, the door creaked open, revealing none other than Dean Thomas, slowly stepping into the room. I stood up defensively, glaring at the boy that broke my best friend's heart. "What are you doing here?" I spat out.

"Oh- sorry, I wanted to talk to El... Elliot. Uhm- I can come back later if you're busy." The Gryffindor boy stammered, fidgeting with his fingers. From the corner of my eye, I could see Elliot sit up on his bed, letting his feet touch the ground. "No, no, it's okay. What- what is it you want to talk to me about?" The blonde boy quizzed, his wide eyes staring up at Dean.

"Uhm- is it okay if we do it... alone?" The Thomas boy offered, shifting his eyes to me then back to El. "No- I want her to stay." Elliot then replied as I sat back down onto his chair, waiting to see what was about to happen.

"Okay then." Dean breathed out, his head dropping so it seemed like he was looking at the floor, then lifting his head up again to gaze straight at the blonde Hufflepuff. "So uhm... Ginny and I broke up." He blurted out, his lips as thin as a line. El's blue eyes widened ever so slightly, shock then painted onto his face.

"And, well- I've been thinking a lot about... us lately. Even if it's been a year, I feel like my feelings for you never left. Being without you... hurts, and I'm so sorry I hurt you last year, and I'm so sorry I left you without a proper goodbye; and- I really hope we get to try this again, whatever it is." Dean explained, his eyes glistening with hope.

The Gryffindor boy stopped talking, silently waiting for an answer from Elliot. "No." The blonde boy finally responded. "No?" Dean repeated in a questioning tone. "No- because you're right, you did hurt me last year- a lot; you left me without a goodbye- you left me... wondering what I did wrong. And I didn't deserve that!"

I could hear the anger in Elliot's voice as the volume increased ever so slightly. Tears glazed over his blue eyes, as well as Dean's brown ones. "I really loved you- I really, really, loved you- and you left me. Even if the memories- our memories- will taunt me forever, doesn't automatically erase what you did to me; it doesn't erase the fact that you broke my heart."

One single tear fell from El's left eye, silently rolling down his tanned cheek. "So no, I can't get back together with you, because every time I look at you, I can only see the person that left me, the person that walked out on me; the person that made me wonder what I did wrong- why couldn't I make you stay. And it really really hurt." Anyone would be able to hear the pain in Elliot's voice if they listened.

Dean sighed, tears quietly streaming down his face. "Okay- if that's what you want. Just know... I'll be waiting for you, if you ever change your mind." Then, the Gryffindor boy opened the door again, walking out; but right before he shut it again, he poked his head back into the room. "One more thing- I love you too." With that, he left.

I could see El's face light up from realisation of what he said- the magical three words that hold so much meaning; even if they are only eight letters combined. He shakily lifted both of his legs back onto the bed, hugging them close to his chest as more tears dropped from his eyes. El's sobs were muffled and quiet, but I could still hear them, how broken they are; how broken he is.

I stood from where I sat, settling down next to my best friend, putting my right arm around his shoulders as his head fell down to my lap. His sobs got louder as his cries got harder. "It's okay, it's okay." I muttered soothingly, softly playing with his hair and drawing small shapes onto his back.

"B- but it's not, Katianne. Wh- why did I do that? I got a chance to be back with him- something I've wanted so badly, something I wished for every single day- and I said no." El cried out, whimpering. "It's okay. If you believe it's the right decision, then it is. Just- give it some time, think about it; and after that make your final choice."

El shifted so that he would be looking at me, his eyes glowing with tears from the afternoon sun that shone through the small windows of his dorm room. "Please don't leave me, Katia, like Dean did. I don't know what I would do without you." He sobbed out, hugging my waist tightly. "I won't leave you, El, I'll never leave you."

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