Chapter 8 - Room of Requirement

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A/n: Omg i was sooo excited to write dis chapter, and it's finally hereeeeee!!!!! Well, ig ur prob used to it, ENJOYYYYYY!!!!!

TW: Very slight suggestions of death and swearing

Katianne's POV

"You're an idiot, y'know?" I started saying, as both Harry and I walked through the hallways. "You get angered by them way too easily; gotta learn to control it, dumbarse." I continued, scanning my blue eyes over the 'Daily Prophet'. "I get angered by them way too easily? You tried to kill Lestrange last year." Harry retorted, sass dripping off of his voice. "Well yeah, I had a good reason to." I then argued. "So did I!"

I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Look, what I'm trying to say is... be careful. Don't be stupid and get yourself killed." I stated, refusing to look at my brother. "Awh, are you worried about me?" Harry jokingly taunted me while I hit him in the head with my newspaper. "Sorry." He muttered, rubbing the back of his head as I chuckled.

Time skip

I laid awake on my bed, my legs tangled in my green blanket. The moonlight shone through my dorm window, being the only source of light in the room.

I got up, putting on my slippers, then tip-toeing out of the room. I walked around the castle, letting my mind wander to all kinds of places, the little fantasy world stored at the back of my head.

With everything going on, sleeping has been really hard; the constant fear of someone trying to hurt me while I'm not even conscious enough to be ready for it just overwhelms me; every single night. People don't know how afraid I am through my closed eyelids.

As I strolled through the castle, a black door suddenly appeared on the wall; a door I recognise to be of the Room of Requirement. "Hmm." I said, shrugging before going over to it. I opened the door, cautiously stepping in. Looking around, I could see all kinds of crap, but then I saw a figure; a familiar figure.

I walked closer, noticing the figure wearing Slytherin uniform and their platinum blonde hair; and then I recognised them to be Draco. He harshly pulled a cover off of what seemed to be a closet, then set a bird inside. It chirped and jumped around, but stopped after he shut the closet door; picking a fallen feather off of his sleeve.

Draco stood there for a few seconds, as if waiting for something; and then he paused, opening the closet door to reveal the same white bird, but this time... dead.

"What the f*ck." I gasped out, and by the shocked look on Draco's face I could tell he heard me. "Who's there?" The blonde boy snapped, swiftly pulling out his wand and pointing it to my direction. I slowly stepped out of the shadows, revealing myself to the Malfoy boy.

"What are you doing here?" Draco asked, lowering his wand. "What are you doing here?" I retorted; but after I asked my question, his frown deepened as anger washed over him. "You need to leave... now." Draco ordered, marching over to me. "Why?" I quizzed, a hint of playfulness in my voice.

"You just have to." Draco continued.

"Why have you been ignoring me this year?" I asked, ignoring his demands.

"I- I can't answer that." The blonde boy replied.

"It's a simple question: why have you been so distant?" I asked again.

"It- it's not that simple; just go." Draco responded.

"No- not until you answer me." I requested, not moving an inch.

"And I told you, I can't; please, just leave." The Malfoy boy practically begged.

"No." I snapped.

"JUST GO!" Draco shouted.

My eyes widened ever so slightly as my heartbeat increased; but not a single part of me was scared of him- when I think of Draco, fear is never something that comes up. Tears coated his grey eyes, slowly and silently dripping down his pale cheeks.

I reached out to hold his hand, stroking it with my cold fingers. He then leaned down, resting his forehead on my shoulder while I played with his platinum blonde hair. Draco's tears dripped onto my pyjamas, making it slightly wet; but I didn't mind.

"I'm s- sorry." Draco sobbed out. "I'm so s- so sorry." He continued. "Hey, you have nothing to apologise for-" I tried saying, but he cut me off. "No- no. I do." He lifted his head off of my shoulder, staring into my blue eyes with his teary ones, glossy from the dim moonlight that lit up the room.

"Y- you have been so great to me. You always listened to me, comforted me, helped me feel better about myself when I'm at my lowest. B- but I pushed you away nevertheless. I stopped owling you, I stopped talking to you; I completely i- ignored you, and you didn't deserve that."

His hands slid off of my arms as he used his right one to pull up his left sleeve; and then I saw it, on his left forearm... the dark mark. I gasped, shock masking my face. "I- I- I didn't want to scare you away, and I w- wanted to protect you... from me."

I ripped my eyes away from his arms as I gazed up at him again. "I can never be scared of you." I murmured, tightly wrapping my arms around him, resting my face on his chest; and slowly, he hugged me back, setting his chin on the top of my head, the both of us fluttering our eyes close as silence took over.

911 words

I have never had a worse word count smh

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