Chapter 7 - Christmas Holiday

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TW: Mentions of smoking

Katianne's POV

It's the Christmas holidays. Harry and Ron went over to the Burrow to celebrate it, while Hermione and Elliot went back to their own homes. I didn't really want to go anywhere; being with the Weasley's was great, but I don't feel at home there, not like I do at Hogwarts, so ultimately I decided to stay.

Seamus didn't go anywhere either, hearing that I would be staying. Over the past few months, Seamus has been getting closer with El and I. He would join in whenever we hung out, talk to us about things he would normally only tell Dean; he's basically joining our friend group.

Though recently, Seamus has been acting really weird around me. I would often catch him staring at me, laughing at practically everything I say (even if they are terribly unfunny), offering to help me with stuff; I didn't really mind, but it was just really unusual of him to do so.

Either way, it's currently Christmas eve. The sky was painted in a beautiful navy blue as unique little snowflakes flew down to the ground. I sat on one of the stone benches that scattered around the school, hugging my knees close to my chest as my back rested on a pillar.

I could feel a slight winter breeze creeping up my pyjamas, but was still clothed enough to not be shivering. I took a deep breath, seeing a puff of air flow out due to how cold it was. As I sat in silence, alone on Christmas eve, I couldn't help but get lost in my thoughts as my eyes rested on the beautiful winter night scenery that laid in front of me.

I used to be a quiet, closed off girl, who was only friends with two people; her brother and someone else. I used to stick my head in a book so people wouldn't talk to me, or act all moody so people would stay away. And now look at me, I became friends with the most popular guy in our grade; a person I used to hate with every fibre of my being.

Over the past few years, I became a completely different person; and this change scared me so much. I mean, what if I change more? What if I become a person that everyone hates? What if Harry ends up ignoring me because of who I might become? What if Elliot? What if I end up hating myself for it?

I sighed again, the puff of air blowing out with it; and then I pulled out my cigarette packet.

I've been getting better, I really have been; but everything has been so overwhelming, the people have been so overwhelming- and I just can't take it. I put the cigarette between my lips, lighting it up, trying to block out all of my thoughts with the nicotine.

But then that was when someone showed up.

"Katianne? Are you smoking?" I didn't look over to the person, but from their accent I could tell it was Seamus. He came to sit next to me, yet I still didn't take my eyes off of the dark sky. "What are you doing awake?" I asked him, finally turning my head to glance at the Gryffindor boy. "Not tired. You?"

"Same." I replied.

"Are you okay?" Seamus then asked.

"Yeah, why?" I then quizzed.

"Well- uhm- I never seen you... smoke before. Is there something bothering you?" The Finnigan boy explained; and I sighed again. "It's- it's nothing important. Just that... life kinda sucks lately." I answered, focusing my blue eyes on one snowflake as it fell to the ground, which seemed like it's wrapped by a large fluffy white blanket.

"Yeah, I hear you. Katie got cursed, Malfoy is acting weirdly quiet- Dean isn't talking to me." Seamus replied, muttering the last part under his breath. "Either way, all the hectic things that are happening shouldn't make us not live life to the fullest. Sitting around moping isn't going to do anything but bring everyone's moods down; we should be having fun and being happy before it's too late."

My face lit up as I slowly turned my head to look at Seamus, shock clouding my brain since I did not expect him to say something like that; though he was already looking at me. "Hmm." I said, a small smile spreading onto my face, and I could see one grow on his too.

I saw his blue eyes avert to somewhere else before shifting back to me. "Merry Christmas." He said, and I looked over to the clock to notice it was past midnight. I huffed, my grin only growing wider. "Merry Christmas." I said back.

And then, as I turned my head back to look at the Gryffindor boy, I saw his eyes slowly flutter close as he leaned forward. I didn't know whether to stop him or let him continue; shift away or stay in place.

But then, his lips came in contact with mine.

Draco's POV

I left the Room of Requirement, expecting the hallways to be empty. I thought everyone had gone to bed, waiting for what they were going to get tomorrow; but that was when I saw two figures hidden in the shadows of the hallways.

I slid behind a nearby wall, not wanting them to see me; but that was when I recognised them to be Katia and Finnigan... kissing. And seeing what they were doing broke my heart into a million pieces.

I love Katia. I had loved her since fourth year; I didn't know it then, but I did.

Katianne is the Juliet to my Romeo, the other half of my heart. She found me when I was a dark, starless sky, and lit it up with the moon; she lit me up, in every way possible, and I let her go.

I have always imagined what it would be like if I told her how I truly felt, and if she felt the same. I imagined how happy I would be, being able to wake up with her in my arms; see her first smile of the day, and then her last before we go to sleep again, my arms wrapped around her.

I would give up anything just for her to love me back. I don't care if my parents don't approve, I don't care what they might do to me- I just want to be hers, and her to be mine.

But I got scared, after I became a death eater. I got scared of what she might think, how she might feel; I would rather us not talking because of me rather than because of her fear and disgust. So I drove her away. And now, she's giving her heart out to others while still unknowingly holding mine.

I could feel tears sting my grey eyes, dull like how my life is without her in it; and then I walked away, letting them silently slide out and flow down my pale cheeks, dripping off of my jaw and chin; and with every tear that fell, I could feel a piece of my shattered heart go down with it, melting away in the water as it became nothing.

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