[r2] : momma's boy

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i just wanna say thank you for listening & supporting me 🫶🏻 ily

here's another one, smh


so as the title says, my dad is a momma's boy, which is nothing bad in itself but man, it's annoying!!

so a bit of a backstory, my dad goes to my nana's (what we call her) town (not telling u guys where she lives) on wednesday's to bowl with her & she's pretty good for her age tbh. but so this past wednesday, the 23rd, he came home with her & i had no idea he was bringing her back to our house bc she celebrates thanksgiving at her other child's house who lives like 12-15ish minutes away from us. which i understand bc they probably didn't want to get her. & he was already with her to bring her to my aunts house the next day. (you know what i'm trying to say lmao, see i told you i'm bad at wording things)

so they come in & about after 10-15 minutes later they've settled down. i'm watching gilmore girls 🫶🏻 on our tv & on my phone, i think i was on insta or here. but my dad then says, turn the tv off & visit, or something along those lines. & like i literally say, i don't want to. i know so brave of me 🤭. but then he says, turn it off & talk to your grandma & help with dinner. so then i do but like once i get into the kitchen there is like nothing for me to really do so like, i ask myself why am i here then?! but then we make our plates & eat & stuff. & my dad is christian & likes to read the bible after we eat dinner & like i dislike reading it !! (no hate on the, hardcore, christian's but i just don't 100% believe anymore. so i consider myself more spiritual than christian)

as i was saying, i wanted & needed to take a shower before thanksgiving so i was planning on taking one after we finished dinner. so 3/4 of us were done eating, i tried putting my dishes away before my dad finished his dinner so i didn't have to read the bible bc sometimes it gets late & i don't end up taking one & it gets bad lmao. bc i hate taking showers real late at night bc then i have wet hair to bed & i hate it.

hint hint i tried but failed! i was so close too!! i was literally on the way to the stairs!!

so the point of that story of that one is that when his mom is at our house or whatever, pay attention to her & you can't do what you wanna do.

— 2nd story —

my birthday weekend !! (11/12-14)

so i invited 5 people from my family to come, on my mom's side. ( & they all came.! {my cousin, her dad, my grams, my aunt & her husband} )
(i wanted it to be small, 10
people total including me)

my dad says, what about your nana! i completely forgot about her & i told him that & then he goes & says that he was going to invite her anyway. ugh, i hate when he does those things without telling me or does it behind my back.

but so she said she'll go & so he picked her up that morning & they get to our house about an hour before we have to leave to go to the restaurant, Olive Garden! (bc i love noodles so much 🫶🏻)

[ skip to when it's evening & we're back from celebrating my birthday 🥳 🎉  so like 3 hours ]

so i turn the tv on & get on my phone & i think jeopardy is on or something i can't remember but so i go to their instagram page and see behind the scene (bts) stuff. but so after it's over i turn on netflix & turn on Supernatural bc i wanted to watch it!!

after watching about 1 episode and start of the next episode, my dad goes and says to his mom/mother, "can you believe the stuff she watches" or something along those lines & it's like in a joking manner not a serious one i think but like bruh 😒 it's one of my favorite comfort shows here!

"let's watch something else, let's turn this off,"  he says next.

it's like well nana hasn't said that she doesn't like it or would rather watch something else. & i told him that & he goes, well she's not the one to speak up for herself or something like that & it's well to bad for you then bc then imma continue watching spn then 😚 ( or gilmore girls^ )

but so they ended up watching an old clint eastwood movie on prime video & i went upstairs to my room to watch spn or gg, i can't remember what i did but yeah 🤭

i just get so agitated/irritated at my dad bc he's so annoying & like acts like his mom is the only person in the whole world or whatever when he's with her . especially when she's with us (my mom & bro & i) at home.

ugh !!! my dad is just super annoying !!!

[ examples from 11/23 & 11/12]

[ sorry this wasn't really a rant, it was more a vent but thanks for listening anyway 🫶🏻😚 x ]

written: 11/25/2022 10pm
completed: 11/25/2022 11:15pm
edited: 11/25/2022 11:20pm
published: 11/2/2022 7pm
total words: 862-897
© gilmcregirl

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