Clothes (Part 1)

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Chapter 2: Clothes

Synopsis: Horace tries to help Enoch choose some new modern clothes.

Set: Post-Library Of Souls, Florida

Genre/s: Angst/Fluff

Content warning: This chapter contains references to weight and negative body image, please proceed with caution

"Oh this is so exciting!" Horace gushed, dragging a reluctant Enoch through the racks of clothes.

"It's just a modern day outfit," Enoch huffed, ramming his hands into his pockets. "And I've already got one anyway!"

"Oh please." Horace glanced disdainfully at his Normal People Scare Me shirt and skull pants. "You've certainly managed to encapsulate everything that's disgraceful about modern fashion, I'll grant you that. But just because everyone else is parading themselves around in hideous attire doesn't mean you can too."

Enoch groaned.

"Remind me why I agreed to come here with you again?"

Horace laughed and squeezed his hand.

"Okay okay, I'll leave you be. But Jacob chose me as quality control for a reason, so don't expect to leave in anything less than the very best modern clothes I can find in this place."

"Yeah, we'll see about that."

"You can't spend your life in those dreadful things." Horace shook his head. "What a person wears says a lot about them."

"How about we find some clothes that say I don't care about this and I'm only here because Portman said so?"

"Lets aim for I don't care about this but I still look cute."

"Cute?" Enoch wrinkled his nose. "I don't do cute. Sorry to disappoint."

Horace rolled his eyes.

"Come on."


They'd been in the shops for over forty five minutes, and still couldn't decide on anything.

"What about these?" Horace passed Enoch a pair of tan dress pants. Enoch wrinkled his nose.

"I'd rather be shot in the face."

"Alright... a no to the pants. Pass them here." Horace put them back and they left the store to walk further into the mall.

"Hey, can we go in there?" Enoch's face lit up as they passed Hot Topic. Horace looked visibly disgusted.

"Have you seen what they're selling? Absolutely not. Come on."

Enoch moped behind Horace as he rushed happily from shop to shop, dragging Enoch to whatever clothes that he deemed acceptable, only to be disappointed by Enoch's adamant disinterest.

"I thought clothes shopping was meant to be fun," Enoch muttered bitterly. "Those girls in the teen movies Jacob made us watch went crazy for it, but this sucks."

Horace laughed.

"Oh clothes shopping is torture. You start out with good intentions, then midway through you realise every item of clothing you liked looks terrible on you and your body is wrong in countless ways you never noticed before. By the end your feet and back ache from standing, your tailor has given up on trying to help you, and any ounce of self esteem you may have had in the beginning has been beaten into oblivion. It's all a marketing strategy to promote insecurity and make you spend money on clothes you don't nee- ooh Enoch look! This shirt is just your colour!"

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