Reveal (Part 3)

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Part 3 of 3 :)

Chapter 6: Reveal part 3

Synopsis: The peculiars try to get Horace a girlfriend, but their attempts are halted when the truth comes out.

Set: After Library of Souls, in Florida

Genre/s: Angst/Fluff

Unfortunately for them, it was less than ten minutes later when Emma and Jacob returned from Devil's Acre. Penelope had disappeared and they hadn't been able to find her, but they had bumped into the rest of the peculiars on their way back and Emma had told them exactly what happened.

"Oh Enoch, that's just terrible! How could you do such a thing?" Bronwyn scolded, distraught, the second she walked through the door. She took Horace by the shoulders, so frantic that he thought she might shake him. "You must go after her and apologise, Horace- you simply must!"

"I- I will, but I don't think-" Horace began, but he was cut off by Hugh.

"If anyone's apologising, it should be Enoch," he insisted, glaring at him. "He's the one being a selfish git."

Enoch glared right back.

"It ain't my fault no one else here has a sense of humour."

"That wasn't a joke mate," Hugh shook his head, looking annoyed. "That was just you being jealous 'cause you know no one will fancy you like that."

The others nodded in agreement, muttering amongst themselves and shooting Enoch scathing looks.

Before Enoch could retaliate, Olive had bounded over and was clinging to Horace's sleeve in panic.

"You can't let this be the end for you and Penelope!" Olive cried.

"We'll all be just so sad!" Claire agreed, taking his other arm.

Horace winced,


"No buts, mate," Hugh said to his left, and Fiona nodded reassuringly as Hugh clamped a hand on Horace's shoulder. "Just go find her now and ask for another chance."

"And we can all come if you need support, Horace!" Bronwyn insisted, rushing over to him from his right and shepherding him towards the back door. "Come on-"

"Wait- wait hold on-" Horace said, panicked, but the others were all talking at once, trying to drag him to the door, and none of them were listening to him.

"Just apologise upfront," Emma insisted.


"We'll back you up and explain it was all Enoch," Jacob said.

"No, that's not-"

"And then you'll get back together," Olive beamed.


"And it'll be great!" Claire finished.

Enoch had been watching to the side, trying his best to stay out of it, but now he couldn't take it anymore. He scowled as the others continued babbling obliviously to a terrified Horace, practically dragging him out the room.

"It'll be fine Horace, promise-" Bronwyn reassured him.

"But I don't want to get back with her-" Horace fretted.

"Of course you do silly, don't be such a scaredy cat!" Olive giggled.

"No, I don't, just- listen to me- I don't- stop it! Stop-!"

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