Chapter 16: Meeting the town knight hero

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Vlad sent me and Luka to a far-off town that is called Binslden. It seemed like a small city that was by the ocean and was known for there food and theater there.

There were a lot of people that had a port where they would drop off fish and things to get shipped out. I didn't know what I was supposed to do here but I guess I would just find it, We found an inn called the white staff  we could stay for a couple of days and headed out again to find anything out of the ordinary

"Master wolf, I would like to ask"

Luka started as I looked at him allowing him to finish

"Is lady angel important to you?"

My face flushed red When he asked that

"What do you mean, she's my friend is all"

I said looking away, I didn't know why look Luka was so worried about me and Angel's relationship as I didn't think much of us being together

"I just think that we shouldn't get so close to her anymore"

Luka said as I looked at him confused

"What do you mean, are you worried about her betraying me?"

I asked him as he only shook his head

"I don't know why but I don't think the reason why Lady Angel is keeping us around is to help get her comrades all back together, I feel like the reason why she's keeping us around is that..."

He stopped himself before he gave a smile and apologized for talking about her

As we were walking in town I saw that there was a line of nights and silver armor that had a weird Crest on their capes, It seemed like some weird celebration that was going on. Up ahead I saw that there was a guy that had brown hair wearing one of the armors as well, he looked my way for a split second before continuing on

I don't know why he looked my way but I never thought anything of it, me and Luka looked around some more before we decided to call it a day. By the next day, I was able to get information about the silver Knights and what they represented and from every piece of information that we got it appears that those silver Knights guys were a big deal here

Unlike Adventures that are a big deal everywhere else, the silver nights are their top adventure that is Mighty strong and serve the kingdom with a purpose

The town had everything they needed and I didn't see there was any reason for me and Luca to stay here but for Vlad he wanted me to find someone by the name of Brian, the only problem is I didn't know where he was or who he would look like. I knew the name Brian quite well back in the other world but I couldn't believe that he would be here, and even if he was here how on Earth was I supposed to find him?

My thoughts shifted from finding out about the nights to knowing what was going on with my brother and sister, I never got to ask about them as I knew that their punishment was still going on but I didn't want them dead

"Master is there something wrong?"

Luka asked me as we were walking down the street looking at a lot of vendors that were selling food

"I worry about my family, I know what they did is unforgivable but"

I sigh as I didn't know if I was in the right to think that they deserve to be forgiven or not

"I understand how you feel but maybe if you spoke to Lady Angel about them she might reconsider them as companions"

Luka said giving me an idea but then again that happy thought of mine went away, I didn't believe that angel would trust my sister and brother and my cousin so easily after what they did and I don't blame her, I don't think that I would trust him either as they do have the tendency of turning their backs on you or even tricking you that they have turned over a new Leaf

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