Chapter 24: a new beginning

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I was finally able to open my eyes, but I saw I was in a white room. I couldn't remember what happened

"Master your awake!"

Said a voice, I looked to see sakura and melody

"I'm so glad you're ok"

Melody said with tears in her eyes. Before I could ask what happened a pop sound was heard

"Hello, my name is Nurse Terry, I'm one of the nurses that work here. Oh, I see you're finally awake wolf, how are you feeling?"

She asked me, I remember this woman she always gave me the creeps

"I'm feeling fine Ms.Terry but I want to know what happened."

"Of course, you would like to know what happened since you were knocked out for a full week"

She told me as she kept that creepy smile

"I was sleeping that long?"

"Of course, after that blast had knocked you and your friends out so don't worry all of you guys are in critical condition"

She said as she told me that afro and Zoro were doing fine and Sakura and Melody were the first to wake up, she told me that everything was all right and that everyone was safe, nothing suffered High damage just some people getting hurt so she is super excited to have more patience than she ever had

"Good for you nurse Terry but, I want to know about lady Angel is she all right?"

I asked hoping that I would get a good answer but instead, it went quiet, her smile faded as I looked at Sakura and Melody as they also had frowns on their faces too, my nightmare of something bad happening to her was coming true as I beg for them to tell me what happened to Angel as I wanted to know if she was all right or even alive at this point but nobody said anything until next Terry finally said something

"Lady Angel suffered the most out of everyone, zero and the others did as well but their recovery is faster than hers so I am afraid..."

She stopped in a sentence and only shook her head, here rushed over me as I forced myself to get out of bed, Sakura and Melody try to stop me but I didn't stop until I ran out of the recovery room and ran down the hall to find her room

I remember the route to her room and when I got the doors open it was empty, I tried to sniff out her scent but couldn't find it anywhere so I raced down the hall again when hearing Melody and Sakura calling out to me, I wanted to find her so bad to prove myself that nothing bad has happened to her, I couldn't find any trace of her anywhere that's when I came to a stop when I heard laughing in the Garden area

I looked over the railing and saw everyone surrounding in one spot, I went down the steps and headed over to where everyone was, I saw faiya and the girls there as well along with wolves and people have never seen.

"Don't worry I'm okay there's no reason for you guys to worry"

I heard her voice and when hearing it I pushed past everyone to get a look for myself and there she was sitting against a tree with pillows surrounding her, I saw that she looked younger as if she was 15 but she had on a white kimono dress, when her eyes looked up at me she was surprised

"Wolf your ok"

I was speechless when seeing her now, I don't know why but I fell to my knees and started to cry

"I thought I lost you again, I thought I let you down like before, I wanted to make a difference between us, all because I didn't say sorry"

I cried and begged for her to forgive me, I felt arms wrapped around me feeling her embrace as I felt Wings around me as well.

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