Chapter 17: meeting Quinton

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By the next morning I headed out to find where the silver Knights go when they're on patrol, but getting some information from town folks I did come across one of the silver Knights

"Excuse me I have a couple of questions I would like to ask"

I said to the guy as he looked at me in a not-so-friendly way

"What do you want?"

"I was just wondering if I could find any of the knights named Brian?"

The man looked at me with a raised eyebrow

"Why are you looking for Brian red strike?"

I didn't know how I was supposed to answer this, I didn't want to give out too much information or say that he was an old friend of mine because I know that nobody would believe that crap, so I had to be smart on how I addressed him

"I'm looking for someone to help me with a mission, I am the ruler of the red Pagoda and I heard that Brian red strike was actually a good choice"

I said he looked at me for a while before showing me the way, he led me into what seemed to be a practice field that was much bigger than Angel's grandfather's field as he seems to be training new recruits

"Yo Brian, we got an offer from a person from Pagoda"

Brian stopped when he was doing as he looked over to where I was standing and didn't seem to welcome me, he started to make his way over to me and I already knew that he was going to be difficult to convince

Angel POV)

Angel was walking around town with black and white on her shoulders and Luka was following behind her carrying the picnic basket that she brought with her, she already knew that her husband would be out looking for her any moment so she wanted to spend as much time as she could before she got captured

She enjoyed shopping but she didn't buy anything as she only did window shopping and looked at pretty things, she did find pretty colors for black and white even though they were against it, but they only would wear it in their ferric forms as she finds them adorable and tried to make them wear little tuxedos

Angel headed over to a flower shop where she bought a couple of roses along with other mixed flowers

And then after flower shopping they headed it off to a Tavern for lunch, as for Luca Angel didn't know why he wanted to travel around with her but she had a feeling that maybe he just didn't trust her as she thought that he and the others did, she didn't blame anyone for that as  sometimes she does give off a weird vibe that she could be a bad person and clearly, she was just very friendly towards others, and that was a bad thing that her husband tried to make her not be around others

"What do you think Luka?"

She called to the butler who was eating his food and seem to be lost in thought, she wanted to approach him as a nice person but every time she talked to him he mostly didn't answer and would only give her short answers, unlike Tanaka he was mostly different

A frown came to her face when he gave her a short answer about which color would look best on her, she mostly use this tactic to break the ice but she could see that it wasn't working with him

"You don't like me, do you?"

She asked the Butler and she crossed her arms on the table and looked at him, the two of them stared at each other before he actually started to speak

"It's not that I don't like you, lady angel, I am very wary of your actions and I am wondering why you're the way you are around my master, I cannot tell whether you are flirting with him or are you trying to be with him, either way, I know you're just doing it just so you can get something out of it and then you will stop, correct?"

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