Chapter 20: angel and the devil

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I picked her up and held her in m arms seeing she was knocked out. Before I could do anything I as pushed away by somthing and saw a demon with a mask holding her 

 Before I could do anything I as pushed away by somthing and saw a demon with a mask holding her 

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"Hey let her go!"

I shouted and got blasted by fire, and before I knew it they were gone

Angel pov)

Angel could hear people calling out to her as she opened her eyes and saw Vlad holding her

"Hi Vlad"

She said with a smile, he sigh in relief that she was alright but was mostly upset at demiurge

"What were you thinking?"

He shouted at the demon

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to do that, i thought she would dodge it"

demiurge said, Vlad shouted him for being too hard on angel as angel tried to stop vlad from fighting and put the blame on herself but Vlad wasn't going to fall for that.

"I told you not to do it"

Vlad told her as she sigh and held his face in her hands

"My love, everything went to plan so it's alright"

Angel said trying to make this better but Vlad was just too upset to listen and glared at demiurge

"You're not going on any more jobs with him angel, let's go home"

He said picking her up and taking her back to Yuki-oni.

"Vlad please you dont understand"

"You got hurt, from what i can understand. Why did you even think you could play around with him in your condition?"

He asked her as she was changing her dress. Angel sighed knowing how he can be when demiurge is around her.

"Im sorry

She said hoping he wouldn't stay mad long, he sigh and looked at her and apologized for yelling

"I know you mean well angel, and i know you're upset that you had to let wolf go but please stop doing things that make me worry"

He told her as she sigh and nodded apologizing to him.

"Do you regret letting him go?"

He asked when seeing her sad. She never told him how she felt when letting her friend go

"I'll be fine my love, no worries"

She told him with a smile. When angel walked away the feeling inside her burned as she knew she made a mistake. Her choice to let wolf go was something she thought she was saving him but really she wasn't, She made her choice and believed she could change it. She went to the red Pagoda to talk to wolf

Wolf pov)

As i was training in the courtyard swing my sword lost in though Sakura came over

"Lord wolf, lady angel is here to see you"

I stopped what i was doing and went to go see her, I was shocked to know she had come back and when I got to my throne room she was surrounded By my guard, she didn't look like the one in the elf's village as she was back to normal

"Let her go"

I said as they let her go. She wasn't Scared or showed any emotion.

"Why did you come here?"

I asked her coldly as she said nothing, I wasn't going to let her warm her way into my life after she did 

"I...I'm sorry"

"I don't need your apologies, leave now or else!"

I told her but she refused to say and this made me draw my sword holding it to her neck. She looked at me with her eyes, no fear whatsoever

"In 10 days from now, the world will end"

She spoke as I looked at her shocked

"You don't stand a brother will wage war on the world for a new beginning"

She said as I said nothing

"She's lying lord, don't believe her"

Zoro said as everyone didn't believe her

"I'm not lying!"

She shouted

"You're just saying that to get Lord wolf back on your side!"

Said sakura

"If I leave, you will all die!"

She said as everyone still didn't believe her but as for me I knew she wasn't a lier

"I know you hate me wolf but you and I are friends, I can't let you die"

"No, but you can leave me without reason, right?"

I asked her as she sigh and looked away. She apologized again

"Stop apologizing!"

I shouted at her

"Please just come with me"

She said and held her hand out

"Please wolf, your my friend still right, I'm sorry I thought I was in the clear but when I got the news, I was...scared"

"So you think I can't take care of myself?"

I asked her, I was still mad at her and she knew it. Everyone didn't want her here and all told her to leave, all shouted hateful words at her

"Angel...just leave, and never come back"

I told her as her eyes widened making her drop her hand by her side, I knew I was making a mistake but if everyone didn't want her here what right did I have to go against their vote

"Fine, but just know this attack of the undead and hell won't be something I can fight alone"

She said and walked away, she left the pagoda making me rethink what she said. Sakura and the others knew I was thinking of her again and tried to make me forget her 

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