11. What A Life

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He wakes up with the suns ray beaming into his face through the window. He can hear birds chirping just outside, and it adds melody to his already annoying alarm clock.

It's been almost two weeks since George and Wilbur fought, and George doesn't know whether they're on good terms or not.

The uncomfortable tension tells him otherwise when they walk side by side to their offices.

They don't exclaim a word when they enter their office. Wilbur closes the door, and that's it.

George feels guilty for being so secretive. He can't help it though.

He's definitely got it from his mother.

He sighs and looks at the paperwork on his desk. He's got even more today, just because Quackity came back from Mexico, so he needs George to sign a few contracts regarding the case he's working on.

George barely knows what the case is about. He doesn't even care.

Karl, Hannah and Bad have been busy with other stuff than the Dream case. It annoys George, since he'd prioritise it first.

At lunch, George asks Karl and Bad if they want to play golf. He sighs, looking over at Hannah who's sitting at her computer, intrigued in something George can't quite place. He wishes they had the same schedule so she could join, but she can't, so they make their way up the stairs to the rooftop.

George has almost forgotten that Bad is good at everything. It's like he's born with the ability of scoring twelve times within a time span of 7 minutes, because that's exactly what he does.

"Got it!" He yells excitedly, Karl and George celebrating with him.

"How are you so good at this?" Karl asks, astonished. He seems to wonder the same things as George.

Bad laughs, a warm smile engulfing his face, "years of practice," he says.

George scoffs, "you're just old," he says as he scores. He smirks, looking at Bad who looks concentrated.

He's looking at his golf ball intensively. Who does that?

Then he looks up at George, "nothing's wrong with being old," he confirms.

Bad is anything but mean. It's like he never gets mad at George's playful insults, and it annoys George.

He ignores Bad's fact and turns to Karl because of the sudden question that popped up in his mind. "Do you have time to check the last two subjects? Even though we know it's him, it's just kind of— necessary."

Karl looks over at him and raises a brow, pausing his movements for a second.

Then he continues, "I'll see what i can do," he smiles, aligning the golf club with the ball. He shoots. It misses.

"I'm sick of this, my god," Karl exclaims, rolling his eyes.

They laugh at Karl's disappointment and end up staying up on the rooftop for almost an hour. They're definitely extending their break.

When they go back inside, George stops Bad before they enter the main lobby again. Karl doesn't seem to notice because he trots over to his computer.

He stops him by putting a hand on his shoulder, and it makes Bad raise a brow. It also makes George incredibly nervous.

"Bad? Can I ask you something?" He asks.

Bad hesitates, but smiles. "Go for it."

"Am i secretive?" He asks, breathing out. He didn't realise he'd been holding his breath.

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