14. Epiphany

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Bad's birthday is in two days, and Wilbur and George haven't planned anything.

The brown suited brunette rushes through the hallway towards George's office. George is sitting peacefully in his chair, minding his own business when all of a sudden he hears this agitating, grating voice.

He's in a bad mood.

"George, we haven't planned anything for Bad's birthday party!" Wilbur breathes, a wave of embarrassment washing over him. They'd completely forgotten about it.

George's eyes widen, making mutual gaze with Wilbur.

They head down to the cafeteria, George bringing a paper and a pencil.

They start manically writing down things they need one of George's butlers to pick up. They discuss which colour balloons he would prefer. They pick red, white and black.

They send out an invitation to everyone they know, announcing that it'll be in this building. September 3rd. 7pm-1am. George swiftly thought of suggesting the bar he goes to occasionally, but he decides to gatekeep it.

"Who more do we invite?" Wilbur asks, "I've invited all of my friends, and we've barely reached 12 people," he sighs.

George thinks intensely, figuring he might as well invite Clay and Sapnap. What could go wrong?

"I'll invite two of my friends," George says, Wilbur raising a brow.

"You have friends that aren't your employees?" he says playfully.

"Surprise!" George chuckles, pulling out his phone to send the invitation to the two of them.

"It's kind of a short notice so I hope the majority of people we've invited will actually come," the brunette in a brown suit says.

"Yeah," George says, "we should go to the mall and buy gifts," he smiles.

Wilbur gives him a concerned stare while the two of them head out of the building, "what does he even wish for? More knives?"

"Probably," George says defeatedly as they head into town to the nearest mall.

Firstly, they go into a Balenciaga store. George finds nothing, but Wilbur buys 110€ socks. Even though George is wealthy, he knows how to spend money well, and socks is definitely not the best decision.

Next, they go into a Gucci store. Nothing. JD sports is where George finally spots some mesmerising shoes that he almost wants to buy for himself.

He does. Oops. It's purple, white and black dunks which don't look that pleasing with his suit on, but he figures he'll make it work.

"Louis vuitton jacket?" George asks, looking at a dark green jacket. It's the only thing that has looked somewhat appealing.

"Sure," Wilbur says, his hands tracing across the silky fabric. George doesn't check the price before buying.

They head back at around 4pm. By now, around eight people have responded to their invitation. Wilbur cheers, sitting in the red couch with George, "all eight claim they can make it!"

"Perfect," George smiles widely, checking his phone. He's oddly anxious to check it. He really wants Clay and Sapnap to come, but yet again, it feels weird to invite them to a birthday party where they don't know the person they're celebrating.

George skims the message from one of his butlers, reading that they will set it all up and buy food. He smiles.

Then he looks at Clay and Sapnap's texts. They agreed. They're coming. "My friends are coming," he says excitedly with a glister in his eye. Wilbur looks relieved at him, smiling wider at George's excitement.

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