You will go

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Isle of the lost. Five teens ran about, wreaking havoc and having fun. A Fae, a princess, a thief, and a genius ran amok, causing mayhem and general discourse around the small heap of trash they call home.

Fae: They say I'm Trouble
They say I'm bad
          They say I'm evil
           And that makes me glad

Thief: A dirty no good
             Down to the bone
             Your worst nightmare
            Can't take me home

Princess: So I got some mischief
                    In my blood
                    Can you blame me
                    I never got no love

Genius:  They think I'm callous
                  A lowlife hood
                  I feel so useless

Fae and princess: Mirror, mirror on the wall
                                       Who's the baddest of them all
                                       Welcome to my Wicked World
                                       Wicked World

All: I'm rotten to the core
        Rotten to the core
       I'm rotten to the core
       Who would ask for more
       I'm nothing like the kid next door
       I'm rotten to the...
       I'm rotten to the...
       I'm rotten to the core

Fae: Call me a schemer
          Call me a freak
          How can you say that?
          I'm just unique

Thief: What, me a traitor?
               Ain't got  your back
              Are we no friends?
              What's up with that?

Princess: So I'm a misfit
                    So I'm a flirt
                   I broke your heart
                  I made you hurt

Genius: The past is past
                  Forgive, forget
                  The truth is
                You ain't seen nothing yet

Fae and princess: Mirror, mirror on the wall
                                      Who's the baddest of them all  
                                      Welcome to my wicked world
                                       Wicked world

All: I'm rotten to the core
        Rotten to the core
        I'm rotten to the core
        Who could ask for more
        In nothing like the kid next
         Like  the kid next door 
         I'm rotten to the...
         I'm rotten to the...
         I'm rotten to the core

Villagers laughs as the Fae steals a baby's lollipop passing by and held it up triumphantly before sticking it in her moth. Maleficent arrives behind the people interrupting the gang's mini celebration, surrounded by her goons.

Fae whipped around and smirked proudly: Hi mom

Maleficent: Stealing candy, Mal? I'm so disappointed

The girls mother interrupts the gangs mini celebration, surrounded by her goons

Mal whipped around and smirked proudly; It was from a baby

Maleficent: That's my nasty girl

Mal gives Maleficent the lollipop and she spits it and puts it under her arm.

Give it back to the dreadful creature

Mal gasped and stared at her mother in shock

Mal: Mom...

Decedents: Mal x Audrey x JaneWhere stories live. Discover now