Not so pleasent suprise

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The four students sat in Remedial Goodness 101 classroom. Each of them working on their assignments for various classes. Fairy Godmother intrupts the VK's.

Fairy Godmother: Children, excuse me. Um, as you know, uh, this Sunday is family day here at Auradon prep. And because your parents can't be here due to, Uh, distance, we've arranged a special treat.

The VK's turned their heads to look at the front of the room where there was a large t.v. The headmistress bounced to the front of the room and tapped on a keyboard in front of the tv.

Maleficent: I don't see anything, nor do I hear.

The shrill voice of the mistress of evil rang through.

Fairy Godmother: Kids!

Fairy godmother gestures for the VK's to join her up in the front and they obeyed, curious about what they were seeing. For all they knew, there was no technology on the isle.

Maleficent: Is it... is it... is...

Jafar: Press enter

Jafar ordered as Maleficent moved back, revealing the VK's parents.

Maleficent: Can I please see a remote? Is this thing on? Ugh, it's broken. Ugh! I hate electronic equip... Oh!

Maleficent groaned out in exasperation. Evil Queen handed her the remote and Maleficent started to fiddle with it.

Evil Queen: Evie, it's mommy. Oh! Look how beautiful. Oh, you know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The Evil Queen gasped out. Evie smiled shyly as Fairy Godmother looked over to the blue haired girl, a warm smile on her face as she watched the villains interact with their children. Evie smile widen as her mother complemented how she looked, the first time she ever really was called beautiful by her mother. Usefully her beauty was never enough, but it seemed like maybe this time it was.

Maleficent: Don't you mean the weeds?

Maleficent snarked as she pushed the Evil Queen away from her.

Cruella: Ooh! Who's the old bat?

Cruella DeVile suddenly interrupted

Mal: This is Fairy Godmother

Mal introduced.

Maleficent: Still doing tricks with eggplants?

Maleficent jabbed, laughing with the other parents.

Fairy Godmother: I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage.

The headmistress insisted with a gasp, her hand flying to her chest in shock.

Maleficent: You really couldn't give Cinderella till one A.M.? I mean, really. What, the hamsters had to be back on their little wheels?-

Fairy godmother gasped as the villains laughed at her.

Fairy Godmother: They we're mice! They were not... they were mice. They were not...

Mal started to guide the headmistress away from the screen.

Mal: Thank you so much. Thank you.

But Fairy Godmother refused to go before getting one last

Fairy Godmother: They we're mice.

Mal: Hi, mom.

Mal forced a smile on her face as she came to the center of the screen. Maleficent straitened her posture at the sight of her daughter.

Decedents: Mal x Audrey x JaneWhere stories live. Discover now