Did I mention

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Tourney field

All: Ohayohay!

Announcer: This is a nail bitter, folks. There 47 seconds left on the clock. We're all tied up. The Sherwood falcons, 2. The fighting knights, 2. What a game between Auradon's fierce rivals.

Jay: Get 'em, Chad.

Chad: Thanks Jay

Announcer: The teams get into there huddles and take up positions along the kill zone. Akiho! The dragoneers have been laying down a withering hail of fire.

Coach Jenkins: You're up.

Announcer: And now a substitution

Jay: Coach, how about my buddy here?

Coach Jenkins: Oh, no. Not share about that.

Jay: Coach, he's been practicing

Coach Jenkins: Jay...

Jay: And you said yourself a team is made up of a bunch of parts.

Carlos: Jay, I'm not that good.

Jay: We'll, he's kind of like my brain.

Carlos whispered to Jay

Carlos: I thought it was Mal.

Coach Jenkins: Come here! You herd him. Get out there!

Jay: Don't worry bro. I got your back.

Carlos: How about my front?

Jay: Pfft. Get out there.

Announcer: He's brining that hotheaded Jay in form the Isle of the lost and that little guy Carlos can barely hold a shield.

All: Break!

Announcer: When they break from their huddles, this is gonna be a big moment here. And the tip-off is ready. Here we go. Long pass goes to Jay. Jay dishes off to prince Ben. Nice little block by Carlos. He does a little fanning jig in his opponents face. And now Jay gets the ball back. Here comes Jay! Jay, hurdling maneuver at mid-field.

Ben: I'm open

Ben yelled a little to demanding

Announcer: Jay makes a nice pass to Prince Ben through the kill zone.

Ben: Jay!

Announcer: Big block by Chad! Prince Ben moved over wide, gives it back to Jay. He's in the clear! Shot! Oh, what a save by Philip the Falcons goalkeeper!

Ben felt discouraged as others start seeing a darker side to the prince though inevitably ignored it.

Coach Jenkins: Come on, guys! Come on hustle, hustle!

Announcer: 23 seconds left. You could cut the tension with a sword. The long ball is played into Jay. Jay, great jump, great leap. And a great move by Jay. Big block from Chad. Jay dishes of to prince Ben. And then Carlos with a big block, goes down. Jay through the kill zone, picks up Carlos. Oh, he's being hammered by dragon fire. Still, going on. Jay , hurdling maneuver at mid- field. He's in the clear . The ball goes back to Jay.

Jay : Hey, Carlos!

Carlos: Jay?

Jay: Go up!

Announcer: Carlos managed to get up from the dog pile and is blazing down the the file with all his might. Jay passes it to Carlos. Which just got intercepted by prince Ben? He score, prince Ben won the game.

The crowd was in a mix after watching some were cheering for the team wile others were booing at Ben. Audrey and Jane walked to the announcer box. The VK's got worried that they were found out.

Audrey: Excuse us. Excuse us. Can we have your attention, please? One were done Ben. I moved on from your selfishness. Also me and Jane here have something we'd like to say. Give me an M!

Mal watched Ben furiously walked off the field

All: M!

Jane: Give me an A!

All: A!

Audrey: Give me and L!

All: L!

Jane and Audrey: What does that spell

All: Mal

Jane and Audrey: We love you Mal! Did we mention that?

Ben: Oh...

Audrey: Give us a beat!

Jane: Whoo

Doug: Uno, dos, tres, quatro!

Doug counted off to the band ash Audrey and Jane started tapping their feet to the rhythm before turning to eye Mal.

Evie: Oh, my god! Cookies!

Mal: What was in that cookie?

Evie and Mal gasped out through laughter as the band started to play. Audrey and Jane slowly approached Mal little by little as they made up a choreography on the spot. Mal was shocked though as the girls continued singing she smiled and enjoyed it.

Audrey and Jane alternating;
Did we mention that we're in love with you
That we're in love with you
Did we mention
There's nothing we can do
And did we happen to say
We dream of you everyday

But let us shout it out loud
If that's okay-ay-ay
If that's okay (Hay)

We met this girl that rocked our world
Like it's never been rocked
And now we're living just for her
And we won't ever stop
We never thought it can happen to two girls like us.
But now look at what you've done
You got down on our knees

Because our love for you is ridiculous
Because our love for you is ridiculous
We never knew (who knew)
That smit can be like this
Our love for you is ridiculous
Our love for you is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!
And we would give our selves for just one kiss

Well did we mention...
That were in love with you
And did we mention
There's nothing we can do
And did we happen to say
We dream of you everyday
But let us shout it out
If that's okay-ay-ay
If that's okay

We gotta know which way to go
C'mon give us a sign
You gotta show us that
Your only ever gonna be ours
Don't want to go another minute
Even without you
That's it your heart just isn't in it
We don't know what to do

Because our love for you is ridiculous
We never knew ( who knew)
That it can be like this
Our love for you is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S
One kiss
C'mon now!

Because our love for you is ridiculous
We never knew (who knew)
That it can be like this
Our love for you is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S
One kiss
C'mon now!

We love you Mal! Did we mention that?

Ben: Uhh! I don't need your petty date Audrey. We're through

All: Whoa!

Jane: Mal!

Audrey and Jane: Will you go to the coronation with us?

Mal: Yes!

Audrey and Jane: She said yes!

Decedents: Mal x Audrey x JaneWhere stories live. Discover now