Corination, to set it off

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Auradon Cathedral

Snow White (through t.v.): At last here we are, broadcasting live form the coronation where prince Benjamin will soon be crowned king! I'm Snow White, brining you up to the second coverage of who's the fairest of them all

Evil Queen: "I'm Snow White." Who are you kidding? She's definitely had work done.

Snow White: Oh, Fairy Godmother is looking radiant. And it seems that Jane has two girlfriends. Um...

Evil Queen; Well, if it isn't...

Maleficent: My daughter. Looking like some kind of...

Snow White: Princess! Now, let's see who this beauty is wearing. Evie.

Evil Queen: Evie! That's my dau...Evie!

Snow White Someone named Evie designed her gown.

Evil Queen: That's my daughter!

Maleficent: Oh, wow. She sewed a dress. Meanwhile, my girl duped not only a princess, my the daughter of Fairy godmother, she's this close to grabbing the magic wand.

Evil Queen: Bitter, party of one. Bitter, party of one.

Maleficent: It's happening, people! It's happening! I say, grid your loins! Grid your loins! Villains our revenge begins today.

At the cathedral Evie was dressed head to toe in a gorgeous outfit, complete with a bad holding the sleeping potion to use in the driver. Jay was as dressed up as he was comfortable getting, running the plan over and over again in his head to make sure he didn't mess anything up for his family.

Mal is standing with Audrey and Jane off to the side. She was in a uncharacteristically beautiful gown, her spell book charmed to come to her at a moment's notice so she could help at a moment's notice.

Mal: Girls I have something for you.

Mal piped up

Audrey and Jane straightened up a bit more smiling at Mal.

Audrey and Jane: For us?

Mal: Yeah. It's just something I baked for later, some treats I made.

Mal handed the girls a small blue box in front of them. Jane took the box as Audrey opened the top as they both smiled. They looked down at two small cupcakes with chocolate frosting.

Audrey: Always thinking.

Jane: But I can't wait.

Audrey: Me neither.

Both girls took a cupcake each and popped it in their mouth.

Mal: No!

Mal tried to stop them but it was to late.

Jane: Mm. Mm...

Audrey: Mm! This is really good.

Mal: Uh, do you two...

She trailed off, her words caught in her throat, terrified of what was to come next.

Jane and Audrey: Mal?

Mal: Do you two feel okay?

Mal blurted out, starting to move down the steps. Both girls held one of Mal's hands each as they smiled warmly at her.

Jane: You bet.

Mal eyed the two girls up and down, her heart pounding against her ribcage.

Decedents: Mal x Audrey x JaneWhere stories live. Discover now