Evil like me

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The museum of cultural history

The five snuck their way out of school and made a long trek to the museum.

Mal: Come on. Check your mirror

Evie: Is my mascara smudged?

Mal: Yeah. And, hey, wile your at it, why don't you see if you can find us the wand?

Evie: Sure this way

Evie found the only way they could currently get in without being caught on camera, was. Past a security guard.

Jay: That's your mothers spinning wheel?

Jay laughed as he looked into the room, noticing a large, bulky wheel.

Carlos: Yeah, it's kinda dorky.

Carlos nudged the elder with his elbow and laughed along with Jay.

Mal: It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary. Magic spindle, do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger.

Mal defended, before opening the gift her mother gave her. She searched through the book till she landed on the spell she wanted. She recited the spell but nothing happened.

Jay: Impressive

Jay mocked, wiggling his fingers as if casting a spell.

Carlos: I got chills

Carlos laughed as Jay smiled down at him. Mal glared at the two boys as they laughed and huffed.

Mal: Okay, you know what? Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep.

Man: Ooh!

The security guard stood up, his eyes glazed over as he moved in an almost robotic manner to the spindle. For a moment he just stood there, making the teens wonder if it would work. Then, he pricked his finger and collapsed onto the ground, snoring lightly.

Mal: Not so dorky now, huh?

Mal smirked closing her book and looking at Jay, who was still staring at his hand, with a defiant look in her  eyes.

Jay: Stand back

Jay started to walk backwards to run at the door in order to kick it down. Mal recited another spell.

Mal: Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick

The doors opened as Jay went through falling down.

Jay: Ahh!

Mal: Coming?

Carlos: Come on, Jay

Jay: I'm good

Carlos: Just trying to help

Mal: Shh. Carlos!

Carlos: Coming

Evie: So close. Upstairs

The kids counties to follow Evie as she leads everyone to the wand. They moved through the halls until they came to an exhibit that made all of them loose there breaths.

Mal: Cone on. Go, go, go, go. Up, up, up, up, up.

Evie: Come on, guys. Almost there.

Before them were standing their parents. The Evil Queen was standing in front

Decedents: Mal x Audrey x JaneWhere stories live. Discover now