Chapter 1

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Y/n's pov:
"Dear diary, We just moved from Miami Florida to Denver. I'm so pissed. As soon as i finally start to actually begin my life in Miami we move again. We're always moving, we can't find one place and just stay there. I was finally starting to make friends, keep up with school and i was just about to get on the baseball team and now I have to start all over. Tomorrow i go to a new school. Looks pretty crappy but yk i have no choice. Anyways i'm gonna go eat dinner."
I put my diary in the back of the closet and start to make my way downstairs for dinner.
"y/n please go get your brother for dinner. I've called for him 5 times and he won't answer" I nod my head and start to walk upstairs to my brothers room. He still hasn't fully unpacked so it's hard to get the door open. I peak my head in to see him sleeping on the mattress for his bed that isn't set up yet. "Hey mom said it's time for dinner." I say as i start to walk away. I didn't hear him get up or say anything back so i went back in to check on him. "Hey! Oliver! Dinner time!" i shout hoping for a response. He's normally not a deep sleeper.
"Oliver!" i yell while trying to get in his room. I walk over and it doesn't look like he's breathing at all.
"OLIVER PLEASE WAKE UP!! PLEASE." i yell while trying to shake him awake.
"MOM, DAD!!"
I see them start running upstairs and pushing me out of the way to go to his room.
"OLIVER WAKE UP!!!" I hear my dad scream from the room.
I run in there and see my dad using the phone in his room to try and call 911.
"Oliver.. please wake up for me." my mom says while her eyes are tearing up.
Soon everything went blurry and i payed no attention to what anyone was saying anymore. I felt this kick in the stomach of grief.
I wasn't thinking of anything anymore.
The ambulance arrived. Everyone was pacing inside to see what had happened. I couldn't watch this anymore. I ran to my room with the door shut and locked. I could barley hear all the yelling and the sirens and everything else. I was in tears having to know that there's a possibility my brother could never come back.
"Y/n it's me.." my mom said while knocking on my door. The ambulance and the police were all gone. I opened my door and saw her crying her eyes out. "There's nothing they can do for oliver.. he's gone y/n" she said as she tried to hug me. "No. He can't be dead. There has to be a way-" "i'm sorry sorry y/n" she said as she cut me off.
I couldn't believe anything she told me. I tried to just lay down and calm down. I ended up crying myself to sleep. Nobody knew what cause his death. But after that day nothing is ever going to be the same again.

564 words<3

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