Chapter 5

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Back to y/n's POV
"So princess, how do you plan on getting out of here?" Finney said.
"Finney we are not escaping."
"Come on it's either I leave and I leave you here or you come with me."
"Whatever i'll go with you."
"Okay now how are we gonna get out now?" He said.
"I have no idea. I don't know if we can even get out, didn't she say all the doors were locked?" I said
Finney got up to check if the door was locked.
It wasn't.
"Okay but we still need a plan dumbo" I said.
We talked for about 10 minutes discussing how we're going to get out of here.
"Okay so we're gonna go down to the back door and see if it's locked. It probably will be but who knows. If it's not then we leave. If it is we go to the nearest classroom and check the windows. If it's locked we talk more about it in that room, got it?. I said.
"Got it."
We looked around and started making our way to the back door. Just as I suspected, it was locked. The closest room we saw was the english room so, we just ran in there and shut the door behind us.
"Go check the windows Finn"
He nodded and went to check all the windows. All of them were locked. He combed his hair back and sighed.
"Well what do we do now." He said angrily.
"I don't know. We need to find a room with a window that's always open." I said.
"I have an idea" Finney said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out into the hallway.
"Follow me"
I followed him through the halls until we reached the teachers lounge.
"Finn we can go in there. Just imagine how much trouble we'll get in if we get caught."
"y/n we are literally escaping detention by running around the school. We're already gonna be in a lot of trouble. So might as well just do it."
"Okay whatever!" I said.
We went in there and we saw a bunch of graded papers and vending machines.
"We need someone to check in the detention kids in the 8th grade hall." We heard on a walkie-talkie.
"Shit." Finney whisper shouted.
"C'mon Y/n we need to get out of here."
He pulled my arm to the corner in the room where the open window was.
"Uhm how do you even know about this window?" I asked him.
"Don't worry about it" He said as he started opening the window up more so we could clime out.
"Okay ladies first."
"Why thank you kind gentlemen." I said back jokingly while pretending to bow.
We heard footsteps. Loud footsteps. There was no time for us to leave so we hid.
We found a storage closet and just hid in there. It was really dark so he had to hold my hand. Apparently he's afraid of the dark.
"Are your actually afraid of the dark or do you just need an excuse to hold my hand?" I whispered.
"Maybe both." He whispered back.
Soon enough we heard another walkie-talkie.
"Find those kids and put them back in that room." They said.
"Got it." One of the teachers said.
"Make sure you close all windows and lock them. tight."
What the hell. Now we're definitely in trouble.
I looked at Finney but i couldn't really see him.
"Finn, sit down." I whispered to him.
"Okay we can get out of here but we need to be super careful okay??" I said to him.
"There's a place that has a vent system that leads to outside!" He said. We slowly snuck out and saw a teacher walking the opposite way as us so we went the other way. We heard footsteps so we hid behind the wall. It's a good thing they went the other way. We ran until we found where finney led us to.
"The janitors closet?-" I said. (Ik so original🤪"
"Yes! Now get in" He said as he Pulled me in.
When we got in it was so cramped that we couldn't go anywhere without touching each other.
"Okay so the vent is up there step on something it doesn't matter what it is and then i'll help you up more."
"Dude that thing is screwed shut." I said
"Well here's a screwdriver i found and get up there and unscrew it. Easy peasy. And if it makes you feel better i'll be holding on to you "
I stood up on a random chair that was sitting in there. I don't know how safe this thing is but whatever. Finney held on to my waist.
I unscrewed it and I pushed myself up to the vent.
"Okay finney. You can come up now."
I said as I looked down at him and gave him my hand. He started using the same chair I used to get up. He grabbed my hand and I pulled him up.
"Okay now where?" I said.
"I don't know.. Hey at least we are away from the teachers!"
"Okay well let's just go and see where we end up." I said.
He agreed and we just went wherever we felt like going.
"Hey if we see a teacher can we like tease them?" Finney said.
"Finn no. They'll know where we are and we'll get caught."
"Oh come on we just have to crawl really fast after that!"
"Whatever just don't do much."
We kept going until we just took a break. He sat right next to me.
"Hey finn, do you like donna?"
"Hell no. She's a brat and she's crazy about me. She's obsessed. Just wait will you get to know her better."
I didn't know what to say. Donna seemed so sweet. I guess I just don't know that side to her.
"Why y/n?"
"I don't know."
After talking for a bit we decided to keep going.
We finally found the teachers.
"Hey losers! come and find us!" Finney yelled at the teachers.
After that we RAN well we didn't really run we just crawled really fast. We finally found the vent that leads outside. Good thing it wasn't a very big jump.
"Here princess, i'll get down first so I can catch you if you need it."
He jumped out and didn't land. I laughed really hard.
AHAHAHA" I yelled.
"Shut up. Now hurry up."
I jumped out. I didn't even need his help.
"Y/n you trust me right?.."

1135 WORDS!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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