Chapter 3

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Back to y/n'a pov:
"Finney.. what are you doing here." I said as I saw him sitting on the floor.
"Y/n. I am so sorry for whatever I said and I never meant to hurt your feelings" He said as he quickly stood up.
"Look it's fine." I said as I tried to grab all of my stuff.
"Y/n please i'm sorry!" He said trying to stop me.
"Finney stop."
"Why can't you just tell me why you got upset??"
"Why do you want to know so badly??" I yelled as I turned around.
"Because I care." He said.
"Why do you care?? It's not your problem-"
I said as I got cut off by a teacher who heard us.
"I don't know what you guys are doing out of class like this but it will not be tolerated. You both have 1 hour detention after school. Get to class." The teacher said. We both grabbed our stuff and when i looked back up he was gone.
I messed up. I don't know what I think of him now, I mean he did make me very upset but at least he cared. I didn't mean to be that rude to him but what he said just got to me.

Finney's POV:
"I don't know what you guys are doing out of class like this but it will not be tolerated. You both have 1 hour detention after school. Get to class." The teacher said to us. I hurried and grabbed my stuff and left. When I was leaving she was still getting her stuff together but I didn't wait for her. She obviously doesn't want anything to do with me now, but now I have to be with her for an hour after school. This day can't get any worse. My next class is math so when I got there I waited for him to turn his back so I could hurry and get to my seat without getting a late slip. To late! He saw me before i even sat down. "Finney, why are you so late?" The teacher said while the entire class stared at me. "Oh uhh I had to stay late for a teacher." I said. "Oh yea? What teacher? He said. " Mr. maverick?.." I said (the science teacher) "Okay. I'll make sure to talk to him after class to make sure you're not late again."

Back to Y/n's POV:
After I left I looked at my schedule and saw that my next class was History. Yippee. History was my worst subject and I know this teacher won't like me at all. Like number one, I'm late to her class on my first day. At least I might have a good excuse. "I'm so sorry teacher I couldn't find the classroom" Perfect. But number two, i'll be failing all of her assignments. When I finally found the classroom, the class was like almost over.
When I walked in, everyone stared at me. The teacher sighed. "Okay everyone this is y/n. Our new student who is very late. Do you have a reason??"
"Yes. When I left my first period class i went to the bathroom while we were changing classes and i couldn't find it. Then when I found the bathroom, it was very crowded and I had to wait for a stall. Then after that I had a hard time finding your class. I'm sorry."
"Okay well next time just ask someone. You can go sit next to Donna right over there in the back." The girl raised her hand. At least i'm not in that much trouble.
"Hey. I'm donna nice to meet you!" She said to me
"Y/n, nice to meet you too"
She helped me get all my stuff together for the classes and even invited me to sit with her at lunch.

Still Y/n's POV:
"so y/n see anyone you're interested in yet?
I wanted to tell her the story about finney but
I don't know her that well yet.
"No, what about you? Anyone you have ur eye on? I said.
"Well actually yes. See that curly headed boy over there?" It was Finney .
"Yeah who's that?" I said as I played dumb.
"That's Finney Blake. I actually kind of like him. Want me to introduce you to him?"
I started to freaked out.
"Uh no no its okay maybe another day.." I said.
"Oh come on, you don't know anyone else so he can be your friend too."
She got up and dragged me over to where he was. He was up doing something with his friends when donna called him over.
"Hey finn. This is Y/n" Donna said.
"Oh yea? Nice to meet you y/n"He said in a sweet tone. It's like he was a completely different person.
"Nice to meet you Finney." I said back to him.
"Ok now you guys talk and become friends. I'm going to the bathroom." Donna said.
He just stared at me. He has beautiful eyes. I don't care how mad I was at him. I was mesmerized. He finally broke the silence.
"So how much trouble did you get in for being late" He said as he leaned back on the table while crossing his arms.
"Not much. New kid excuse." I said.
"Well can't wait to see you after school newbie." He said as he got his stuff.
The bell rang.

916 words!!

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