Chapter 2

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It's the morning after oliver died. My mom hasn't talked to me since last night and the whole house is a big mess from the previous night.
"Hey mom.. what are you making for breakfast?" i asked in a calming voice.
" I don't know y/n. Eat at school i don't have time." She snapped. I don't blame her. i just nodded my head and continued getting ready.

 i just nodded my head and continued getting ready

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(this is what you're wearing)

I got ready as I normally would and tried to go back upstairs to my mom to say goodbye. Dad was already gone for his new job.
"hey mom i'm off to school." i say in a sweet voice while trying to hug her. "y/n just go. you don't want to be late" she says as she denies the hug. "i'm hurt too mom but i'm trying okay?" i say as i tear up. She just shook her head and left the room. After that, i just grabbed my stuff and left for school. My eyes started tearing up again and i began crying the whole way to school. As soon as i got there i got my schedule and started making my way to find the classroom.
I has science first period. When i found the science room the teacher knew exactly who i was. "Okay class this is y/n and she's going to be a new student in here." the teacher said. "y/n is there anything you would like to share about yourself?" "well i'm originally from Lemoore California and i'm always moving around, my favorite color is (your favorite color), and my talent is playing baseball." I said. "that's nice y/n. You can go sit next to finney blake. finney please raise your hand." As soon as i looked over and i saw him i thought he was perfect. His perfect hair, his perfect smile, his perfect style. I went over and sat next to him. "finney, can you please show y/n around?" the teacher said.
"Yeah no problem" he said to the teacher. "Come on newbie" he whispered to me as he sat up. We left the classroom and he started to actually start a conversation while we walked" "So princess, what made you come to this shit hole?" I hate this guy.

Finney's POV:
A new girl came into our class today. She looks perfect. I would hate to say love at first sight isn't real but this girl, she's different.
"that's nice y/n. You can go sit next to finney blake. finney please raise your hand."
I raised my hand trying not to look so awkward.
"finney, can you please show y/n around?" the teacher said.
My heart was beating out of my chest. "Come on newbie" i whispered to her trying to keep cool.
"So princess, what made you come to this shit hole?" i said to her as we walked out into the hallway.
"First of all don't call me princess. Second of all I was forced to move here because of my dad's job." she said.
"Hah sucks to be you." I said knowing what I just said made no sense because i have to put up with living here too. After a couple seconds i saw her eyes start to tear up.
What did i say???
"Uhm are you okay y/n??" i said to her trying to comfort her.
"you're a bitch you know that??" she said as she ran off crying.
I didn't know what to do. I stood there frozen. a couple seconds after that the bell rang. I saw where Y/n ran off to. The bathrooms. I tried to go talk to her but the hall was so crowded I had to push everyone to try to get to her. As soon as i got to the bathrooms i pretended i needed to go too so i just waited there.
As soon as the hall cleared out i went outside to go see if she was out. I knocked on the girls bathroom door to see if anyone was in there. I didn't hear anyone so i just opened the door a little bit. I heard crying when i opened the door. It was Y/n.
I just decided to sit down by the bathroom doors and wait for her. I didn't know what i did to upset her but whatever i said i never meant to hurt her. Was it when i called her princess?? Or was what was it? I just met her and I already ruined everything. I sat there for about 15 minutes waiting for y/n, until finally she came out of the bathroom..

787 WORDS!!<33

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