Pt. 5

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As Karasuno walked in, you could see all the restaraunt staff instantly become annoyed.

"Table for eighteen please." Takeda said, ignoring the look he was given by the person ready to take them to their table.

"But there's only seventeen of you."

"The eighteenth is coming inside right now."

"Follow me." The staff member said with a sigh.

"Yuu hid an injury for three days?!" Saeko said grabbing Nini's sleeve.

"Yep. Y'know I would have at least expected him to go to you or Ryunosuke, but nope."

"I'm sure it's nothing against us. If anything he's doing the same thing you did when you were in high school."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh come on you seriously don't remember."

"Oh of course I remember. I'd just rather not think of that, y'know."

"Oh come on! Noya was in his second year of middle school right?"

"Yeah. He was super short back then."

"Don't act like he's not short now."

"It runs in the family!"

"My point is, Noya is doing the same thing you did when you were in high school. He wants to stay on the court for as long as he can, and because of that he puts his health aside."

"Well maybe he should be alittle less like me."

"You don't mean that. I mean come on now before you went to college you literally did everything together and you would never leave his side. It was like you were attached to eachother with a rope or something. Oh shit we gotta catch up!"

"You go ahead. I have to use the bathroom." Saeko nodded and ran ahead. At the table Noya had started to slide into the circular booth until Daichi grabbed the collar of his jacket.

"Not so fast. We need to have alittle chat."

"Daichi I'm hungry!"

"Too bad. Let's go." Noya got up and followed Daichi, Suga, Asahi, and Ukai.

"Wait for me!" Tanaka yelled.

"What are you doing." Suga asked.

"As Noya's best friend, I feel it is my duty to talk to him as well."

"Fine. But one immature remark and you're going back to the table." Daichi said.

"You might have just given him the most impossible task ever." Suga said as they entered the bathroom.

"Why is half the team giving me a lecture?" Noya asked with a sigh.

"Suga's the vice captain and Asahi was the only one who could get you to communicate. As you know Tanaka just decided to follow us. Me and Ukai are here for obvious reasons."

"Can we get this over with."

"I have to take a wizz."

"Tanaka!" Daichi yelled. Suga and Noya hunched over laughing.

"Shut it!" Ukai yelled.

"Can you guys keep it down in here? Everyone in the restaraunt can hear you y'know." A waiter said.

"Sorry!" Everyone said in unison. The tired staff member left the room.

"Let's get this over with as quick as possible. First things first, why would you hide an injury from us?" Ukai asked. Noya stayed silent with his head down. "The sooner you talk the sooner this is over."

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