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Nubia... left turned about, and stripped of its once beauty as we are led away in sorrow. After dynasties of ongoing trade, and transaction Egypt has finally risen and sinked its talons into the neck of Nubia. Oh how dreadful does life have to be at times, and sorrowful.
"Onward"! Was the only thing that could be heard over the whimpers, soft sobs, and panting. The burning sands on the soles of my feet, the lead shackles scraping against my ankles was the least of my worries. Halfway through the horrendous journey we were finally able to see the General's temporary quarters, as he waited for our arrival. I could feel the fear in the air.

I kept my head high. People who were once physicians, scholars,wives,even children were subjected to a shackled line of bodies walking to their fate.
I myself had somewhat given up hope, but the small part left of me still kept my faith.

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