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  "every old person thinks they're soo smart. what– like there's no dumb old people?" daniel rambled as the group listened to him intently. nick had been sitting beside kate, their shoulders touching. she felt giddy like a little kid on christmas morning being so close to him.

"i just wanna be older so i can go to bars. everything fun in this world happens at bars" ken sighed as he stared at the sky, his arms stretched out behind his head as he laid on the bench.

"yeah no kidding man! i hear there's this kick ass band called feedback playing at the rusty nail tomorrow night, but they're gonna card so what can i do.. y'know" nick shrugged, kate listened with wide eyes. if they were to go together, it would be their first official date.

"maybe i'll go" kim smiled to herself, clearly teasing the rest of the group. "you better shut up" nick smirked causing kim to burst into hysterical laughter. "just cause you have a fake id doesn't mean you have to go lording over the rest of us" he rolled his eyes.

"you have a fake id, kim?" lindsay's eyes widened at the blonde. "yeah! you wanna check it out?" she smiled, digging into her pocket to get the small card.

as she handed it over to lindsay, kate couldn't help but lean over to get a look. "oh my god, that looks exactly like you" kate observed, glancing from the photo up to kim. "i know right?" she grinned proudly.

"this says you're twenty four" lindsay squinted her eyes at the card before kim snatched it back. "so? i look mature! no one ever stops me"

"hey daniel, do you have one?" lindsay questioned causing the group to erupt with laughter. her and kate looked on with confusion. "some stupid bouncer asked what my star sign was...i didn't know so he snagged it" he explained with his head turned away, evidently embarassed.

"capricorn! oh wait no, cancer! capricorn!" nick mocked him as the five laughed at daniel's expense. "i hate astrology! what, every person born in the same month is gonna have the same life?" daniel protested.

"hey guys, why don't we go get fake id's and go see feedback!" kate suggested. looks of interest appeared on each of their faces. "howie gelfand sells fake id's, but they cost a ton of money.. i don't have that kind of cash" he shrugged. kate had still been hung up on the name howie gelfand when lindsay proposed an idea.

"just so happens i came into a little bit of cash. i could lend you guys some!" she smiled, sudden excitement fell upon the group. the plan was in motion.

after school the five of them hit the mall, nick led them to a very colorful looking clothes store. they had everything from disco jumpsuits to satin pants. "howie, would you help these fine young people" a wavy haircut man motioned toward the group.

suddenly a man with a bowl cut appeared from behind a mannequin. this, kate could only assume was howie. "we need fake id's" ken blurted out without a second thought. "shh! i work here" the man closed the gap between them. he motioned for them to follow him as made his way throughout the store. "i mean... we need some slacks" ken said, eyes wandering at all the different types of clothes they offered.

   once they were brought to the fitting rooms, howie turned around swiftly. "how many do you guys need?" he asked in a hushed tone. "five" ken stated as if it were obvious. "didn't i just get you one?" he questioned daniel with serious eyes. "i'm not into astrology okay?" he defended, a small smile appeared on kate's face.

   "astrology.. it's not astrology, it's facts man. it's you, it's who you're supposed to be. june, cancer. libra, october. capricorn, december. know it! nineteen fifty eight, you are them" howie rambled. kate admired how he took pride in his business.

   "can you get us id's or not?" daniel sighed, his patience running thin. "who are the chicks?" his eyes bounced between kate and lindsay. "what does it matter, man" nick sighed. "alright sorry, bill laimbeer. you got some good timing. just got a shipment of genuine canadian drivers licenses" howie raised his eyebrows.

   "canadien" nick and ken looked at one another in excitement. "i need to look at your faces, so i can find a match" howie nodded, moving closer to analyze each of their features.

   "okay, i got it. it's a hundred bucks, half in advance" he informed them as lindsay began to dig in her purse. "i got it" she smiled. "a chick whose got money, just my type" howie nodded, evidently checking the girl out. daniel felt a strange jealousy bubble inside him. "come on, howie" he groaned, just wanting to get the interaction over with.

   "alright i'll see you guys tomorrow" howie nodded, signaling that the procedure was over. after leaving the mall the group decided to meet up with kim. they had been walking in separated groups while they talked, the boys and the girls.

   "sooo, going to the rusty nail with nick! this will be like your guys' first real date" kim smiled at kate as she walked in between her and lindsay. "to say that i'm nervous is an understatement" she admitted.

   "don't be nervous! he's head over heels for you anyway, anything you do or say he'll flip out over" kim smiled causing the three to laugh. little did they know, a few feet back the boys were having a very similar conversation.

"are you gonna make a move?" daniel nudged nick as he walked by his side. "i don't know.. i mean, i wanna take things slow with her. but i need to kiss her again. it was easily the greatest kiss i ever had" he smiled to himself, the way her lips on his was a feeling he'd never forget. "well i guess we'll see what happens tomorrow night" ken stated from beside daniel.


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