Visit (Very Shade centric)

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Shade walked slowly across the concrete pavement, headed towards his parents house.

Oh how he dreaded the thought of simply stepping on their property.

When his parents gave birth to a child with, quote-unquote, 'such odd skin,' they had thought he was a monster, some kind of vampire freak.

They accused each other of cheating immediately and had to get his DNA checked, learning that he was indeed their child.

He must've gotten it from his ancestors or something...

That would include his elemental power, he wouldn't be surprised if his parents didn't know that one of their own parents was an elemental master.

He had been so happy when he was finally able move out. Of course.. he had to get a job, which sucked because it was boring, like seriously, he had to be a stocker of all things?? All you had to do was restock the shelves accordingly, he could not think of a single way to make that fun... albeit he should be glad that it was a simple job he got and not an extremely complicated one. Plus, it was fun to mess with people when 'leading them to their destination.'

Whatever, he had friends now, one even owns a very successful noodle-house.

And jobs are much more amusing when you have chaotic friends.

Shade looked up at the house that his parents lived in, examining the exterior judgementally. His parents had unsurprisingly moved to another place since he'd moved out, after he almost burnt the previous one down as a child and left some burn marks that his parents probably thought were permanent (they weren't.)

Pfft, as if he'd ever call this a home. He thought, thinking back to the phone call he had gotten about two hours prior.

"Come home!"

His mother had said.

"Let's have dinner together!"

His father had said.

And thinking back to how they were before when he was still living with them, this was far from a home.

Unless... they changed?

Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

He considered just straight up appearing inside of the house with the use of his powers but decided otherwise and knocked instead.

A few seconds quickly turned into minutes. Shade groaned internally.

Seriously? Invite me over and not even let me inside?

He could clearly hear shuffling coming from inside the house, what's taking them so long? They just have to open a door... unless they were in the middle of planning a murder, him being the victim.

The door finally opened to reveal a woman that was absolutely buried in makeup. Her hair was long, reaching up to her waist, though it was grey now, and Shade could still remember when it was brown.

"Are you wearing contacts?" Said Shade with an eyebrow raised. What used to be dark grey eyes were now a shade of blue.

"Shane! You're home!" His mother ignored him, instead reaching out to pull him into a hug. A hug which Shade had chosen to dodge completely, taking a step back.

"No, I'm just visiting remember? For dinner?" Shade reminded.

His mother awkwardly brought her arms back down to her sides. "Right.."

His father, now standing behind his mother, looked him up and down, before grunting and walking off.

Shade rolled his eyes. "Hello to you too (a*shole)."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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