Crossing Worlds

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Kuro Ash's been very confused lately.

He can swear to whatever god is listening that he did not- did not- clean his room. Of course not, he's lazy as hell, he's not gonna until Hyde comes back and nags him about it.

Yet over the past week every day when he comes back from school it's always neater than the morning he left it. The bed's been made, the chips have been sweeped off the floor, the empty chip and ramen packets thrown out and his many headphones put neatly on the rack on his table. The only recognizable things are that the curtains are drawn and the otter he had picked up was curled on the cushion next to the creature's food and water station, sleeping soundly.

Whoever was doing this left no note at all and as far as Kuro was aware none of his stuff had been stolen. Hyde wasn't back until tomorrow, and Kuro's parents...

Kuro's determined to figure out who the fuck has been going into his room to clean it and why they were doing this and maybe tell them something like "thank you but please tell me before you move my stuff around".

So when he came back from skipping the last class at school today Kuro didn't shut the door carelessly and toss his backpack onto the floor as usual. Instead he shut the door slowly so he made no noise and lowered his bag onto the sofa. He tiptoed to his room and listened carefully.

Sure enough, he heard voices through the door.

"How many headphones does one guy need?!"

"You said the guy's a gamer, maybe that's why."

"At least have the decency to put them away and not on the floor for people to step on!! Jeez... not simple, not simple at all!!"

Kuro placed a hand on the doorknob and peered inside.

2 boys he didn't recognize were sitting in his room talking to each other. The one perched on his windowsill was a boy with black hair, with a white streak down the right of his head. He wore a black hoodie and white pants and was looking at the other with unreadable... crimson eyes?

The other also had crimson eyes, but they were wider, more gentle. This boy had brown hair which he was running a frustrated hand through. He wore what looked like school uniform with an orange blazer, a white button up shirt and biege pants. His red tie hung losely around his neck as the top button of his shirt was undone and his blazer unbuttoned. A bandage had been tied around his upper left arm. He was putting one of Kuro's headphones on the rack and holding a broom in his other hand. Kuro thought he looked kinda cute-

Dumbass! Kuro mentally slapped himself. You don't know who this is- and they're intruders!!

"You do realize you don't have to clean up after him right? Guy's probably been living like this for ages, he's probably used to it."

"But it stresses me out he's so messy!! He's a goddamn human, he can't just live like this!!"

"'re such a housewife."

"AM NOT!!"

"Who are you?"

Kuro's question made both boys jump. In fact, the ravenet jumped so badly he fell through the curtains and off the metal railing.

The brunet dropped the broom and yelped, "Crap- ORDAIN!!"

A flash of white light came from just under the window and a dove poked its head through the curtains.

The brunet sighed and parted the curtains, letting the dove in. The slimmer of light caught his teeth and... were those fangs?!

The brunet paid no attention and scolded, "See?! This is why you do not sit on the windowsill Ordain!!"

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